Yesterday, made a day run to the boat, checked the lines, check the tarp we put on top, our fly deck canvas needs some love, added some more cams to watch over it, love wifi cams. Great night vision.
The tarp had sagged in one place, loaded with ice and water. So I loosened a rope and let the edge down, not realizing I was standing where all the water would run out of the lower deck. Did my feet get a ice bath! Was already freezing due to winds and temps. Luckily had dry shoes in the boat. Had to retie the tarp and put it over the radar to make more of a pitched tent type tarp. One cold cold run, howling winds, freezing temps. Kept the seat heater on all the way home in the car, warmed the bones back up.
The fly deck covering is high on the fix list. We knew it was bad when we bought and discounted due to it. Going to install a solid top get rid of the canvas.
Now when we get alerts about high water, howling winds we can check that our boat is still happy. Gives you some ease of mind. Have some inside cams that watch for anybody entering our boat, those give me a instant alert. And I can yell at them to get off the boat. It is pretty safe there, we don't even lock the door, they say best not to, if someone wants to break in they won't break the door that way.
Not many would want our towels and small tv!