2020. I’m so done with this year. I gave my cat a chunk of cheddar, since I didn’t have a mouse for him, and his uncanny self set it behind the fridge, and then kept checking to see if it baited any mice out. Ummm, my cat might have been human in a previous life and hasn’t quite forgotten all the higher brain functions like reasoning! If I had known he wouldn’t just eat it, I’d have filmed it. Then just now I caught the little female pup that likes hubby so much trying to climb his leg like a bear cub. No, no bears here, if we had them, I’d think her daddy might be part bear.
My last night at work! I’m sore, coming down with bronchitis, ( I know the symptoms, I get it almost every winter, and can taste and smell) so I’ll be happy walking out. But we are expecting ice and snow.