I’m not pleased thinking of how bad I will be later if these aches and pains keep multiplying. But I figure if I can get myself a better job, more rest, less stress, I’ll be able to cut back on the painkillers. Just looking through pictures and videos of previous years, say a few small pond clips, and I so need to get my pond done so I can zen out in one again. Today’s plan was to get the new liner in, that may be pushed back, waiting on a reply now. Weather man said we might be getting more snow anyway, so that’s fine with me if we wait a bit. I just put more/ larger holes in the liner that will be my underliner, for water drainage, then I need to make some stakes to pin parts of it up where it keeps falling down. The deepest part retained water, which with no movement, went stagnant this fall, and now stinks. So I bailed out part, which showed me I’ve got a bit under an inch of ice formed, maybe 3/4th of an inch. I’m looking forward to having the bog done, and having a pond up and running.