Extracting our first frame of honey, taking care of the pup, over heated from working on the hives yesterday still feeling a bit bad.
Well I looked outside, via the windows, the pond was down by 6 plus inches..................S---T!!! run down, look everywhere for a leak, find none. Then I look at the bog..............
DON'T DO WHAT I DID! between the new pup, the old boat , the bees, weeds on steroids, I ignore the bog. MISTAKE
The water was up by over 3 inches, no clue where it was leaking over the edge but it was. I went and yanked and yanked plants. Made the path to the water fall which I USUALLY do every month. Which I have not done all summer. Whew, pond level staying now, bog dropped by over 3 inches in water height. Plants just tossed over the back of the downhill bog edge. later will either chop mow or pick up.
Thankfully can just manual feed water to the pond, turn on the irrigation system, took two hours of water. Well water.