covered the tulups but it looks like things got pretty cold last night, currently minus 7 Celsius (19 Fahrenheit)
My sick vegan sister is driving me too, her grown adult 25 year old son loves to hang out with me and she is trying to force him to be vegan. Yesterday he was craving my food and I fed him a chicken burger And she sends me evil hate mail cause I fed him meat cause he was hungry. He is grown adult and grew up eating meat till she lost her mind and turned vegan and got even sicker, now I think she hates me cause I am healthy and work hard and eat meat. According to her I will die horribly cause I eat meat. Vegans are control freaks and I seen this with my other vegan sister when she first turned vegan, it becomes a religion for them and they go mental! I am venting.... working to death at work too, worked so hard and moved tons of boxes in freezer and had to finish off days shifts work cause some people are very slow......