I just spent the past hour and half catching up on the weather here. Lots of things going on, now that spring is finally coming around for you guys. I'll likely be the one sweating the weather, now. Yesterday, 100 degrees! Today is supposed to be 104. Did not exspect that to start so soon.
Speaking about Mother Nature and how climate change is messing some of us up, all I can say is....it's not too smart to mess with Her. The way I see, what's going on, is simple to explain...not so simple to fix. If people DON'T start waking up (and I do think many are, just not enough) then those who are not prepared for the worst, will not have to worry about it anymore I suppose. We are not going to get away with taking, taking, and taking more without giving back. This Earth is bigger than all it's inhabitants, and she is not going to allow us to destroy her. Mother knows best, so when Californian's start swimming for their lives, or while camping in Yellowstone, all the wild animals start running past your tent...that's a tip she's had enough. I mean, it's really only common sence...how much oil can we take from the ground before it becomes dry enough to crack up and crumble? Or, I mean Rumble, roll and fall away...
I know that an earthquake is coming (we have small ones everyday, now getting bigger and more frequent) and I have a plan for escape when the damn breaks (does not include gas, only pedals). I am as prepared, in as many different ways as I can be, for what could happen given my own personal situation and space. But, equally as important, I am awake and aware of the many crisis, but without fear. In spite of how 'bad' things may seem to be, I am gratefull not grave. I make changes for the better and do not call them sacrifices. I go inside, connect with my Source and thank God for my breath...that keeps me alive. I wasn't always that way...I just had to wake up, look around and back at me. I love my space, myself and my Mother.
Happy Mothers Day to everyone!