It's been nice out all day. Still not bad out tonight, so I went out this evening to take a look at the sliver of a moon. As I was walking back toward my house, I starting thinking about the months and months I spent trying to see a bright starlink satellite train all last summer. I never did get to see one. But as I was thinking about this, I decided to stop and look up for the hell of it. I knew I wouldn't see one, of course.
So I stopped, looked up, AND I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT.

After months of actively trying to see one, I actually finally just saw one by pure random luck! A big, bright train of satellites moving through the sky! I don't know how it's even possible that the timing worked out that well. The frustrating thing is that because I wasn't out there to look for one, I didn't have my tripod, so no photos.

I even had my camera, but it's pointless at night without a tripod for a long exposure.
When I came back inside I looked at the tracker, and sure enough. This is the one that went over just about a half hour ago.