It made it to the high 40s here today and was sunny even though it was a bit windy as well. The abnormal 60+ degree days are gone for now.
Thursday night/early Friday morning we had not one but TWO hailstorms blow through the area as the weather changed. I haven't seen hail like that for as long as I can remember back... marble-sized hail came down for a good 5 minutes straight around 1am. I finally wound down, went back to sleep, and a second wave came through between 4-4:30am. That round was shorter but had bigger hail. It took me a while to fall back to sleep after that one as I kept wondering if that hail was bad enough to damage the cars or the roof on the house. Luckily everything was fine when I left for work the next morning, but WOW, Friday was hard to get through as I was exhausted from all those sleep interruptions.