Sort of a different day in weather today. Last night, the meteorologist that I've been getting my forecasts from for my entire life announced he's retiring in a few months. For as long as I can remember, his forecasts have been considerably more accurate than any other channel as well as more detailed. He's one of the only meteorologists that will openly say that forecasting past four days is pointless.
He's one of the few that won't even suggest snow totals until the storm is two days or less away. Most meteorologists give numbers, because people always want exact numbers, seven days before the storm even hits, but he knows and admits that's what TV stations require their meteorologists to do, often leading to inaccuracies. He's also one who will always admit when he gets a forecast wrong, and occasionally explains why it changed and why he was forecasting something different. He's been working at the same station for so long that he gained a lot of respect throughout his career and the station gave him control of how to go about his forecast.
On top of that, he's aired 47 of my photos over the past 6 years. I had no idea the number was so high until now. Honestly, it made me care more about the quality of my photos. Every camping trip, I looked to take that one photo that I knew would be worthy of getting on air, and I succeeded almost every time.
The way I receive my weather forecasts and the quality of those forecasts will certainly be different starting in June.