Really nice bridge
@Timothy! I would love a bridge like that to sit on, dangle my feet over, and maybe tan and relax with fish.....
Thank you. All it amounts to is a couple of railroad ties laid diagonally across a square corner. The deck is hinged creating two "hatches" that lift up exposing all of the equipment. All of our pumps are submersible. One pumps through the mechanical filter then returns through the waterfall, one pulls through the skimmer and returns underwater creating a circular current, one is dedicated to the bog, and the last pushes water to the mermaid and the "skybog". It seems like a lot of pumps, but I like the idea of running one, two, or all depending on the circumstances. The only one that runs 24-7 is the bog pump. There's an aerator under there as well, but with all of the water/air interface we're getting I don't run it often. Everything runs on one 20 amp breaker which has never tripped. All but the bog runs on a central reset-able unit at the bridge.
The Bridge

All piping, and components

Electrical center

Electrical under EPDM flap to protect from rain
More than anyone wanted to know!