Vengeance a Pirate's Tale

Feb 6, 2010
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Well this long tale is finally coming to an end. I thank those who read it.

Coming to the edge of the forest and the castle grounds, the princess pointed out the corner where the opening to the secret passage was. One by one they ran through the night until they were all gathered at the edge of the castle wall. The princess felt the seam of the large stones of the wall and gave a push. The large stone pivoted inward easily as the other edge swung out. They slipped inside and lit the torches illuminating a long, dark hallway that stretched out in front of them.
They spread out and each person took one stone pushing against one side and then the other. They worked their way down the hallway until they were almost to the stairway when suddenly the stone that Batu pushed crept inward. He waved his torch and they all gathered. He motioned for the princess to come over and stood to the side. She pushed the large stone very slowly peeking at its edge. Finally a crack of light appeared and she looked into the room. All that she saw was a deep purple color from the top of the door to the bottom. She pushed it open more and saw folds and then swung it more open and slipped through.
Felipe tried to grab her hand, this was not in the plan, she was just supposed to peek into the room, he looked through the door. He too saw only purple with the folds running the length of the doorway and after a few seconds the princess came back and slipped through the narrow opening. They pushed the stone back in place and Felipe whispered to her, “You were not supposed to go into the room! You were just to look!”
“I could not see! The long drapes hid the room! This doorway opens into the Grand Hall next to the fireplace. I could not see unless I walked to the end of the drapes.”
“We need to mark this door.” Batu said and he rubbed the torch on it leaving a black soot mark against the light tan stone.
They proceeded up the stairs, pushing against each stone as they went. A little past halfway up the stone in the princess’s hand moved. Everyone watched, they moved the torches away so that the light would not shine into the room. The princess held her breath as she quietly pushed the door inward. She saw a wall and then a bed. On the bed was little Juan Carlos sleeping with the large figure of the King sleeping beside him. The Queen was sleeping next to him.
She wanted to just run and snatch him away, she could make out his face in the soft light of the oil lamps that lit the room. She got a lump in her throat and her eyes filled with tears. She stepped back and pushed the door closed. She whispered urgently, “This is it! This opens into my father’s bedchamber! I can see Juan Carlos sleeping with him and my mother in the bed!”
All of them were filled with emotion, they all loved the boy and an overwhelming urge to just rush the King was considered and discussed in whispered tones. But logic prevailed, one sound out of the King and the entire operation would be lost. They let the princess lead the way, she knew where the opening was into her room. She cautiously pushed the stone open just a crack and saw that the closet door was closed, but she could hear loud snoring from inside of the bedroom so she pushed the stone back in. Together they made their way quietly down the stairs and once again darted across the grounds and back into the forest. They made their way back to their camp, Marianna and Carmen were excited to hear about the other two doors and they discussed their plans more, then agreed that they all needed to go to sleep.
Early the next morning Marianna once again put on her chambermaid uniform. Felipe walked her to the road and kissed her goodbye. They watched her walk straight into the castle followed by several of the King’s soldiers. This time she did not look as she entered the gate. She went to the supply room and found fresh sheets and linens and draped them over her arm. She climbed the stairs to the second floor and approached the two guards standing at the King’s door. She smiled at them and they smiled in return. She stopped right in front of them and lightly knocked on the door opposite from the King’s chambers and turned the knob giving it a slight push, it opened slightly.
“It is unoccupied.” one of the men said. She thanked him and went to the next door and knocked lightly again turning the knob pushing it open a bit, “They are all unoccupied.” the guard said again.
“Good, then the sheets are clean and there is less work for me.” she said with a smile. She was a beautiful, charming woman and they both smiled back at her and admired her as she walked back down the hall and down the stairs. She made her way through the hallway and back out of the front gate of the castle.
“And just where do you think that you are going?” a voice said from behind. Her heart leaped in her chest. She turned to see an older, stern looking woman wearing a maids outfit staring at her, “The day’s work has just begun and you are leaving? Who are you? I have never seen you before.”
Marianna looked her right in the eye and said, “I am new, today was to be my first day but I was fired for slapping the shit out of a woman who got rude with me. Would you like to be next?”
The woman was taken aback, she had a shocked look on her face but said nothing.
Marianna continued, “You would be well advised to mind your own business and not question strangers in that tone.”
The woman just bowed her head, turned and walked away but glanced back over her shoulder with a worried look. Marianna walked quickly on down the road and met Felipe just inside of the forest. “The rooms are all unoccupied and the two that I tried are unlocked as well.”
“This is good news, all that we have to do now is to wait until late tonight and we will get our son back.” Felipe said smiling at the princess. They waited as the night fell and once again tracked the moon across the night sky. When it was very late they made their preparations to go.
Batu looked around the circle of the faces of his friends illuminated in the flickering firelight, “I have something that I want to say. What we are about to attempt is very dangerous. Some, or all of us may die tonight, but if I die I do not want to go to my grave without first having said this. I will gladly give my life for your son, but first I want to make sure that I thank you for freeing me.” He looked from Felipe to Andreas. “I would never have known the joy of freedom or of having my son if not for the two of you.”
Andreas and Felipe just nodded at him. They all thought about what he said as they looked around the circle of faces in the firelight from one to the other. Indeed some or all of them may die tonight and it may be the last time that they sat together. But this is what they came here for and they were determined to get the boy back.
Felipe looked at Batu, ”I have always considered it an honor to fight by your side and to also have you as a friend.”
Jeanne Pierre looked from one man to another and then said “We all made a pact long ago that we would stand together and fight to the death if it came to that. I have not forgotten this oath.”
He drew his sword and held it up, all of the men drew their swords and clicked the blades together.
“It is time.” Felipe said.
Marianna was the first to stand, “I am going also.”
“No! There is no need for you to go, it is far too dangerous.” Felipe said.
“And what of Celeste? Is there a need for her to go? She goes because it is her son. You are my son and that child is my only grandson. I will not wait here wondering what is happening. I will simply follow after you if I must, but I am going. This is my entire family and I will not just sit here. Carmen can wait and if we do not return before dawn, at least she can go back and tell what has become of us. I am going, do not try to stop me.”
“She is right, we are family and she deserves to go also.“ Andreas said. They hugged and kissed Carmen goodbye then walked quietly through the forest toward the castle.
Again they quickly darted across the open ground to the corner of the castle and entered the passageway. Once inside the torches were lit and they proceeded to the first door. Batu and Tor’s hands were placed behind them and one piece of rope was circled around them as if they were tied. They nodded at their friends in the light of the fire and slowly pushed the door inward.
Andreas went first and looked around the edge of the tall drapes. The large room was empty at this late hour as it should be. He motioned to Batu and he slipped quietly out of the door followed by Tor and Jeanne Pierre. They all knew the plan so there was no need to speak. Batu and Tor walked in front of them as if they were prisoners as they walked to the door of the Grand Hall.
They opened the door, stepped into the receiving room and saw the stairs. Batu and Tor climbed the stairs with Andres and Jeanne Pierre following them. The guards in front of the kings chambers saw the very tall black men first and drew their swords stepping away from the door blocking the hallway. They then saw Andreas and Jeanne Pierre walking behind them and it did appear to them that the black men’s hands were tied.
As they approached closer one of the guards said, “What is the meaning of this?”
“We have two prisoners that were members of the crew of the pirate Felipe Montoya. They were captured and Felix Chavez wishes to question them.” Andreas replied.
“The hour is very late, Chavez has been sleeping for hours now.” the guard replied.
“Never the less, he gave implicit instructions that they were to be brought before him as soon as we arrived. Do you want to interfere with his orders? I will tell him in the morning that you refused us passage and caused this delay.” Andreas said.
The man got a frightened look and then sheathed his sword as did the other, “Very well then, I certainly would not want to be the man who wakes Chavez at this hour.” he stepped aside as did the other guard.
They took their positions on either side of the King’s door. Batu and Tor started walking forward again. When they came even with the guards they both struck with lightning speed. They each grabbed one of the guards head in their large hands and with a quick, strong twist broke their necks. In the quiet of the hallway the bones breaking sounded very loud.
The guards bodies began to twitch as urine ran down their pants legs. Andreas quickly opened the door across from the King’s bedchamber. The bodies were drug inside and laid on the floor. Jeanne Pierre spotted a towel on the bedrail, he threw it onto the urine in the hall wiping it with his boot then kicking it back into the room. They closed the door and then Andreas very slowly and quietly tried the King’s door. The knob turned but the door refused to budge, he had locked it from the inside just as the princess had said that he would.
They quickly ran back to the stairs and into the Grand Hall. Slipping behind the curtains they pushed the secret door open and joined their friends in the dark passageway. As soon as the door was closed in whispered tones they told the others that the guards were dead. Ajamu got a big smile on his face but the princess just nodded and hurried up the stairs toward the king’s bedchamber. They all followed her.
When they arrived at the marked door they all looked at each other and then leaned the torches against the wall. Batu silently pushed the door open and then slipped into the room followed by Tor and the others. The king was snoring lightly, sleeping on his back. Little Juan Carlos was sleeping on his belly with his butt sticking up in the air. They spread out around the bed and then a very strong, large hand slapped down on the King’s mouth. Strong hands grabbed his hands and feet pinning them down. Jeanne Pierre gently but firmly placed his hand over the Queen’s mouth.
They both woke suddenly and tried to cry out and struggle, it was useless. The princess also placed her hand gently over Juan Carlos’s mouth and his eyes sprang open and went wide as he recognized his mother, “Shhh” she said smiling at him, “Be very quiet, do not make a sound.” he nodded his head and she removed her hand and picked him up hugging him.
The King’s arms were quickly tied to the bedposts as well as his ankles and a gag was tied in his mouth. Jeanne Pierre and Ajamu tied the Queen’s arms and legs and gagged her also. The wicks on the oil lamps were trimmed up and light filled the room. They stared at their daughter blinking unbelievably and then looked at the men in the room. The princess walked over to him, “Yes father, it is me. I came to get my son which you kidnapped. His father wants to kill you for this, meet Felipe Montoya.”
Felipe leaned over and looked into his eyes, “You son of a bitch, you dare to steal my son?”
The king cowered his head back into his pillow and fear was showing in his eyes. He was totally helpless. Felipe pulled out his dagger and held it to the King’s throat. The king just shook his head and pleaded with his eyes, “I should kill you, but I will not. Even though you are guilty of many crimes against the people and deserve it. My father was innocent when your men killed him.”
“I know that you had no choice in this mother, you were always kind to me.“ the princess said stroking her mothers chin and then bent to kiss her.
She turned back to the King, “There is someone else that I would like you to meet.” the princess said, “These are my good friends, Batu, Ajamu and Tor.” She looked at them and said, “Please take off your shirts and show him your backs.”
They removed their shirts and turned around. The King saw the many cruel scars that crisscrossed the men’s backs. Many very deep scars that had long since raised up into long lines of mounded flesh that ran all of the way across their backs.
“They are people father, just like you and I, not the animals that you taught me that they were. They were bull whipped often just for amusement. They are my best friends and they would willingly die for me, I love them”
Batu spoke to him in perfect Spanish, “It is particularly painful when the wounds have not healed and they whip you again. If time and conditions permitted, I would love to give you a taste of how this feels.” The look of hatred in his eyes terrified the King.

Marianna took Juan Carlos in her arms and spoke to the Queen, “I know that of all people, you understand. This is my grandchild, as he is yours. I love him as you do but I will not see this family torn apart. He needs to be with his parents”
The queen nodded and Marianna knew that she understood.
“We would love to stay and talk, but we must leave now.” Andreas said looking at the King, “Yes, it is me, Andreas. Felipe’s father was my brother.”
“If you ever try to steal our son again, I swear that I will kill you.” Felipe said. He turned to walk away but then stopped and faced the King again, “And by the way, thank you for all of the gold from the forts at Panuco and New Granada. Your grandson will never want for anything.
The kings eyes bulged, his face turned red, a vein began to throb on his temple.
They all walked through the door into the passage, closed it and then hurried down the stairwell as the King struggled at his bonds trying to get the gag out of his mouth. They again quickly crossed the dark grounds, then ran to their camp.
“We must make haste, there is no time to spare.” Felipe said to Carmen. They ran through the forest back to the lifeboat and rowed out to the Vengeance. It was still hours before the dawn but they wasted no time weighing the anchors and unfurling all of the sails. By dawn they were over the horizon sailing toward Tortuga.
The King’s aid thought it strange that there were no guards standing at his door. He put his key in the lock and turned it and then opened the door. He was shocked to see the King tied and Queen tied and gagged, he quickly rushed to him and took his gag out, “Quickly! Call in the guards!” the King shouted. The young boy ran out of the room and soon the room was full of soldiers who untied their hands and feet.
“Mount a full brigade and go to the harbor! My grandson was taken by the pirate Felipe Montoya and they probably headed for his ship. Send for the Admiral of the Navy, I want to sail all available ships in every direction and find them!” he sat up in bed rubbing his feet and wrists with a very angry look. “Get Chavez down here immediately!”
A soldier ran up the stairs and pounded on Chavez’s door. He opened the door with an angry look having been awakened, “What is the meaning of this!?” he demanded.
“The King wants you in his chambers immediately! The boy was kidnapped last night by pirates. He and the Queen were bound and gagged when they found him” the soldier said.
As Chavez quickly dressed he wondered how they had infiltrated the castle. He ran to the King’s bedchambers and entered the room. The King had a very angry look on his face and told him, “While my personal assassin snored last night right upstairs, the pirate Felipe Montoya and my own daughter entered my private bedchambers and took my grandson right out from under your nose!” He shouted.
“How did they get past all of the guards and how is this my fault?” Chavez asked.
Not wanting to reveal the location of the secret passage he shouted, “ I do not care how they passed the guards! You were ordered to kill him many months ago! Had you done your job none of this would have happened and my grandson would still be here! I will give you just one more chance. You will leave this morning, kill Felipe Montoya and bring my daughter and grandson back here or I will make the fate of the former Viceroy look kind.”
Chavez bowed his head and went back up to his room. He went to the window and stared out to the sea. His anger and hatred boiled inside of him, this was twice that this man had infiltrated and taken something from him right from under his nose. First his mother and now his son. He felt like a fool and now his life was also threatened by this man. Angrily, he swore to himself that he would find and kill this man.

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