I wrote this with a lot of help from JW and a few other good friends. As I said, the entire story was written one piece of a chapter at a time online as my friends critiqued, found typos and errors. For example, what did they call the bathroom back then? Also as I said, even though I really enjoyed writing it and it does lay the groundwork for the entire series, it is somewhat crude compared to later works. Don't ever worry about breaking up the rhythm, as the tale is done, but I can go back and edit it at any time. So... on we go.CountryEscape said:What I want to know is, did you write this story, Bullfrog? Because if you did, we obviously have an author in our midst. It's outstanding, and you have me captivated and waiting for the next chapter. I didn't want to comment, for fear of breaking up the rhythm. Keep up the fantastic work!
I'm about to introduce my favorite character "Batu", he is fashioned after my huge firefighting buddy Clyde Goree. Look at him standing next to me...

He is a huge man with a very big heart, here he is slumping next to his wife Shayla...

Moving on, meet Batu...
The Marianna was built like all fishing boats with a high bow to cleave the waves and a long, low stern to easily pull the nets upon. With her three sails she made good time. On the morning of the fourth day Cuba came into sight. They skirted eastward along the southern coast and rounded the point into the Atlantic. Finally Andreas pointed out a rather large island to Felipe. Mountains covered with a thick layer of trees jutted upward, it appeared very lush. As they drew closer the water turned from a deep blue, to a turquoise and then clear. Felipe could see the reefs below sliding below the ship, “The fishing should be very good here.” he said.
“It is, the colder water of the Atlantic brings in very large fish, they are abundant.” Andreas replied.
As they drew near Felipe could see many coconut trees, the undergrowth was very thick. They followed the shoreline until they saw a small break. Andreas steered into it into a sheltered lagoon that curved inward. Soon they could not see the Atlantic any longer and their boat was well hidden. The water here was still and clear many large schools of fish swam beneath the boat. They furled their sails as they approached the shore and dropped their anchor.
They unloaded a trunk and only put the needed tools in it then threw it overboard, it floated easily. They jumped in and pushed it to the shore. Opening the trunk they removed axes and rope and constructed a small raft to float the rest of their things to the shore as needed. They went well into the interior so there was no trace of them from the shoreline and began felling trees and notching them to build cabins.
It took four months but they now had three sturdy cabins built, one for each of them as well as Marianna. Andreas said, “We must still gather some men before we bring her here so that we have a large enough force to provide her with protection if the need arises. We will sail tomorrow and get some men.” Andreas said.
“Where will we get these men?” Felipe asked.
“Hired men are only as good as their pay, they have no particular loyalty to their Captain. No, we need men who hate the Spaniards as much as we do and feel a debt of loyalty to us. The slaves that the Spaniards bring here are badly abused. We will free some slaves and they will be more devoted to us than any men that we could hire. They are also very strong and resourceful people.” Andreas replied
The next morning they set sail through the windward passage to Hispaniola where the slaves were sold. They rented three horses and arrived at the dusty square where the auction was to be held.
Wagons pulled up and began unloading the slaves, the women first and then the men. One slave in particular stood out. He was very tall and muscular, six foot six and at least 285 pounds of chiseled muscle. He had a fierce look about him, his anger burned in his face. He had a thick black beard that made his jaw look even stronger, he was indeed a very menacing looking man. Felipe and Andreas stood in the shade of a flamboyant tree and watched, smoking cigars.
The auctioneer stepped up to the platform and called for attention, “We have a fine lot of strong, healthy slaves for you today. All come from the same stock and tribe. A very wealthy landowner bought their parents from the same shipment. This is the second generation, their children. These are not imported savages, they were born here, speak our language and know our ways. All are healthy, strong and will make fine servants. Let us start the bidding with some breeding stock.”
A woman with a manacle around her neck was pulled away from the rest to the platform. She tried to struggle and was yanked very hard by the rope that tethered her. The large black slave began to struggle against his bonds and scream. “ That is my wife! Release her or I will kill you! I will kill all of you!“ He lunged for her and drug all of the other men that were tied to him. It took five Spaniards to finally restrain him. Still he struggled violently until they had to untie him from the rest and tie him to a tree.
The woman was led to the platform and the auctioneer raised her shirt showing her full, well formed breasts and her perfectly slim waistline. He turned her around and raised her skirt showing her firm buttocks then turned her again. Her face was beautiful, large liquid brown eyes that tilted up at the outside corners with long lashes. Her lips were very full, her skin was a flawless light brown. She was truly beautiful. The crowd began to shout and the large man tied to the tree hurled death threats at anyone who bought her. A man approached him and hit him very hard with a club, he just looked at him with such hatred and ferocity in his eyes that the man backed away.
All eyes were on the woman as the bidding began and Felipe walked up to the large, fierce man, “Listen to me, I know that if I purchase you that you will never work for me. You will try to escape and find your wife, am I correct?”
“Yes.” said the man in a very deep voice as he stared at Felipe.
“What is your name?” Felipe asked.
“My master called me Juan, but my given name by my father is Batu.” he replied.
“I am Felipe. I do not want you to work, but if I buy you and then get your wife back so you can be free together, would you fight by my side against these Spanish dogs?” Felipe asked.
“To the death, you would have my complete devotion but you yourself appear to be a Spaniard. How do you propose that we get her back?” He asked.
“It is simple, I will buy you and we will kill the bastard who buys her and get her back before the sun sets today. And yes, I am a Spaniard by birth, but they killed my father and it is my life’s endeavor to punish them for this.”
The large man looked at him, he did not trust Spaniards but he saw the truth in Felipe’s eyes. This sounded to good to be true but he realized that he really had no choice. He smiled down at him and said, “You have my word Felipe, if you do this, I will always fight by your side.”
Felipe told him, “Continue to scream loudly and threaten anyone who buys you or her with death. No one will want to buy you except me and we will get your wife back. I promise my friend.” Felipe smiled at him and walked back to the platform.