Look to see if there's any damage done, INSIDE the main housing at the very bottom. The top of your 'cylinder' should seat there and IF there's damage, any new 'cylinder+fins' unit will probably wobble and lock up too soon. IF you don't see any damage and can insert your old unit, spin it by hand and feel if there's any wobble or if the unit feels smooth as you turn. Then you have to see the other end where the fins are; same deal, whatever holds the bottom part of that cylinder has to mount without wobble. That whole unit should NOT contact the sides when slid inside the main housing.
I THINK I see three lines of abrasion on the cylinder body; is that correct? I'd surmise you got some pebble/sand/grit type substance caught inside and the rotation did that until it jammed. That's why the top and bottom seating MIGHT still be okay to order that new impeller unit. And inspect the inside of the housing for damage there, too. It CAN be scored and still rotate your cylinder, so not as big a deal. You just don't want a new unit wobbling while spinning because the seat ends are worn/damaged. Worth the look, imo. I mean, you're going to toss it anyway, if it doesn't work, right?
IF you can, IF you want, take more pics (use a light/flashlight to illuminate that inside area and get some closeups, if you want a second opinion (from me). Good luck!