Not exactly something I found on the side of the road.
but wanted to share anyway.
Doing a big landscape job at a cond complex redoing the fronts landscape on 50 condos.
We where working away and a lady from across the street and asked to give here a price on removing some trees she has gotten tired of.
So I went across the street and looked at the job.
pretty basic palm removal tear out throw away.
There and behold 3 beautifull Pigmy palms of course first thought man they will look great around my pond.
So I said let me have them I will remove them for free.
Anyway long story short I got these beauty for free well we had to dig them out and now I have to plant them but still.

Noticed how they already have grown curved/bent to where I can plant them and they will go out and over the pond.
This takes years to grow and train and it is very expensive to by or even harder to find.
Can you tell how excited I am and you know what my weekend will be .