When dealing with a local place, IF you have never had an issue, or know someone who did, it may be worth getting, and just put in QT for awhile.
I was really naughty. I bought a batch of babies (standard koi)... hubby wants more yellow (yellow, not changing to orange) and this auction was about a third yellow (with various scale patterns)... Will just sell the extras next spring... even tho hubby isnt a huge fan of standard fin koi, if he can have the yellow he wants, he can get past it/them not being butterflies... So I got HIS batch, and since it doesnt cost anymore to add another fish to the box, I put in a low bid for laughs and giggles on a cute little Tancho Sanke that I liked... and won

His/her markings are not perfect, but I liked it (and think it will have at least 2 more red/orange spots), and hubby wasnt home when I bid;-) (He doesnt like the "traditional boring colors"...) It's only 4.5 inches, but for three bucks, why not LOL.