Today I decided it was time to do a big water change in the koi pond. I think that the fungicide got into both ponds, and if I get a big rain and the koi pond overflows, it goes into the stream, which falls to the goldfish pond. I've done water changes in the goldfish pond, and the deaths have mostly subsided (I think I lost about 15 fish total), but decided I need to do the changes in koi pond now as well. Evidently, the chemical that was used is similar to Supaverm, which is very useful in combatting flukes disease in koi, but deadly for all types of goldfish. While I was draining water, I hooked up an old bog water line that has holes it in, great for water soaker! Watered the grass, and also filled buckets with the draining water and watered much of my landscaping. Nothing is wasted here!

My skimmer in the koi pond has been too high, when the water level is to the point of overflowing, it still could have been 1" or little more before being at the top of the skimmer intake. So, I decided while pond level was down this would be a good time to redig that area.
Before -

Pulled the pond liner and underlayment back to dig down a couple of inches deeper.

After - replaced underlayment and liner, put skimmer back in place. It may be about an inch too deep, but I can put a flat rock under the corners to raise it to perfect level.

I'll know for sure when I finish filling the pond if it's exactly where it should be, or too low. I didn't want to have to drain the pond down 8" again, just to dig it down another inch, that's why I went bit deeper than I think I needed to. Easy fix to raise it, harder fix to lower it again.
Oh and this morning Grace wanted to go outside. I told her it was raining, she wouldn't want to go out. She insisted she did, so I let her go. Then she pussy footed it to this chair, and sat underneath it as if to say, "Hmm ... it's wet out here, but not under this chair!" LOL