The pond dig has begun!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hey CE you can get one of those Styrofoam swim tubes or circles and just plop a plastic plant pot in it. Might have to tie the pot to the swim tube and float the thing under your tubing or falls like I did. That way you only need to tie it w/ a piece of twine so it won't float out from under the water flow.

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
What a great idea that is, JW, and I have the pieces to make one of those right now. Also, I got to thinking my line from the 4200 gph pump that normally feeds the Skippy, and where the line pulled apart, the line is long enough I can just swing it on top of the waterfall, put a laundry basket in the waterfall pool area, and run the line into the basket ... secure it real good so it doesn't go flopping around and drain my pond again!
I realize what you mean, Sissy, about the green water. Right now, just high in the 30's until about Thursday, then 40's and 50's by weekend, and lots of sunshine, so that's when I'll need to worry about things. I don't think the bog will be doing much to use up nutrients, but I feel like at least the pea gravel will help filter some of it out of the water to an extent anyhow.
I spent most of the day again today being that support person for my girlfriend. It was a nice afternoon, visited with others that came by to give their support. But, once again, I was gone 7 hours, and had left all 4 dogs loose in the house, and once again, no poop or pee anywhere! Now, I don't know how you all feel about this, but these dogs are not all day house dogs, and I have no idea if Barney was a house dog at all. So, my only reasoning when I got home more than an hour after dark is that the Lord was watching out for me once again, letting me know that what I did today was in His favor. That's my way of thinking anyhow.
It's going to be a rough time ahead for Joan, and I'm going to be there to help her get through it. She sure will not be left alone, that's for sure. I live close enough I can help her out daily if need be, for the time being. I know her son has told me many times how much he appreciates that I have come by, and it's only been 2 days. I know it will be very difficult for him in the day ahead as well. They will have their time together to grieve.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
How old is the son and it must be just as hard on him .You are lucky with the dogs because that is a long time not to go .
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Very luck, indeed, Sissy! My boys (Smokey and Yukon) never get left inside when I'm not here, and Denali is usually put in her crate. But, all for of them, including Barney, went from noon until 7:30 with no accidents. Amazing!!!
Her son is a senior in high school, so either 17 or 18, depending on his birthday. She just had her 50th on Tuesday, her husband came home to help her celebrate, and they also had 2 visitations to go to that evening, and he knew it would be very hard on her to go by herself. He was a wonderful thoughtful man.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
CE you just be there for Joan and little by little she will get stronger and be able to get along in life w/ her son and then can learn to be happy again. You are such a good friend to help her and her son through all this tragedy. So much sadness in this world of ours but lots of joy too. Its just the way it is and maybe someday we will get to know the reasons for the way everything happens. We just need to have faith and trust in our maker and leave it all in His hands. He will be there with joy in those good times and comfort us in the bad times. We are never alone no matter what.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Absolutely, JW and Sissy, totally agree. Ethan, the son, is such a "man". His dad was road commissioner for our township, and Ethan has walked side by side with his dad, learning how to run the heavy machinery. I'm sure Ethan has been on the snow plows since he was at least 17. He's very confident young man, very loyal, very smart, very dependable, just like his dad. Yes, this is going to be very tough. Ethan has already said he can step in where his dad left off as the elected official, even though legally he cannot as he is not 18, or maybe he needs to be 21 to run for that office! I can guarantee you he could run it better than anyone else in our township at this point.
Joan broke down when I left last night, said she is so alone, so worried about the day ahead. Taking Tom's clothes to the funeral home, she kept putting them to her nose, it had his cologne on it from when he wore the clothes for a visitation 4 days before he died. Her former boss died suddenly of a heart attack, so his wife buried him last Tues. So sad about that, but he was in his 60's at least, still, very young though. I told her I will be there for her, and she knows I will be. Sometimes I'm very thankful my kids are grown and gone away, so I can concentrate on those that need me so desparately right now, and am happy to do so. We will help her get through these hard times, and Ethan as well! I'm worried he's going to fall apart one day, and probably will do it when he's totally alone. I think he and his mom have cried many times together, too. He will have his time to himself to be with his Dad. I can feel Tom already, see him in the sunshine, know that he was at my house, keeping my dogs from having accidents while I was gone. He was right by God's side, I'm certain.
I am going to get Joan a stepping stone for her garden. It has a Helen Keller saying on it that goes like this: The best and most wonderful things in the world cannot be seen or heard, but must be FELT WITH THE HEART. It's very pretty, all pieces of tile and glass glued on a round concrete stepping stone and then sealed with thick clear coating for outside. I think it will make Joan smile.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
CE you are you caring and nice to take in the stray dog, even if only for a little while. I hope your friend Joan can overcome her grief and saddness, and I am sure you are a very big help, good to know you are there for her at such a sad time.

I hear your pond is getting more water now, and that bubble will be gone in no time, once the pond is full the weight of the inside water will push the bubble out and it will lay flat again.
In the spring the pond plants are still not "alive and kicking" the algae out, so I do add extra filtration to get rid of the smear algae and that little floating ring looks like it could catch lots of pond guk nicely. I will have to keep my eye open for a floating ring like that one JW posted.

I have been very busy inside my little homemade greenhouse I made all by myself three years ago. It sure works better than the pop-up greenhouse I paid too much for 10 years ago that quickly fell apart. Got three new little fancy goldfish and put the old fish tank I was going to get rid of, in the greenhouse! So much for "downsizing" and making life easier! My good friend must think she is getting old at barely 50 cause she got rid of her pond five years ago, and it getting rid of "stuff" to make her life easier.... I think it makes life boring! :)


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Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
hey ce she want a good friend maybe barney would love her and help her pits are very sensitive dogs when they see something is wrong .


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Colleen that round floaty thing is just a straight swim tube and I just cut it and made a circle and tied it so it would stay together at the ends. I took a plastic pot and fitted the tube appx to the size of the pot so when the pot is shoved in the circle it fits tight. So you can make it any size to fit any pot.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Woohoo, Colleen has a tri-colored fantail. Pretty!!!! And, the bulges were halfway gone by Sat. a.m.,and totally gone by Sunday afternoon. My pond looks like it was never emptied!
Sissy, Joan is a German Shepherd lady, she has 3 right now, so adding another dog would not be a good thing for her. But, good idea!!! Barney was met at the vet's office by the lady that runs the Humane Society. She said her Pit Bull just died that was 13 years old. Her husband wants another one right away, and she thought they needed to wait... then she met Barney. She was amazed at how well he behaved and how excited he was when a lady and 3 small children and a little white "foo-foo" dog came in! He didn't bark, wanted to play with the kids and the dog! She could not believe it. It told her I feed all 4 of my dogs their separate bowls in an area 5'x5' at most. She thought that was very strange for a Pit as well. Well, he's not aggressive at all, and she believes me now. Oh, shoot, I told her I would write up some info about him, and totally forgot. Been too busy at work, and with helping Joan out, kind of got out of sync. I'll do that and take it when I go see him on Thursday. They are closed tomorrow, I have funeral at 1 on Wed., but I did stop by the vet's office and got in the kennel with him after work. he was sooo happy to see me, gave me hugs and kisses, and wanted to go home with me. Told him I would see him again, but he climbed up on the gate and begged me to take him. Was heart wrenching, but told him a new friend would come take him to a new home tomorrow. It's really hard to give him up, but I had to do it and it is for his best interest. Funny, but I've never had a hard time getting rid of puppies all the litters I have raised over the years, but this guy stole my heart. I no longer have any hatred for pit bulls. I'm a reformed believer now.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
On the floaty thing, Colleen, I've bought the stryfoam "noodles" on sale, $1 each at the end of the season. If you put a piece of hose in the end, you can connect it into a ring, or two of them into a larger ring. I personally like using the black flexible tubing, since that's what I use for my piping of water in my ponds, and a connector and clamps. That becomes an airtight ring, holds air and therefore floats. I've use those rings for holding water hyacinths in a mesh of screen to keep the fish from destroying their roots. Someone on here gave me those ideas. Lots of things float, and I really like JW's idea with the pot to hold the quilt batting or something to catch the fine stuff in the water. Tonight, I can see to the bottom in the dark, with the solar spotlight shining into the pond. It has never gotten even slightly cloudy, but I know that all will probably change when the temps warms up, before the beneficial bacteria is able to get growing. I've got my Pond Perfect to help boost it, once the water warms up, though.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
The visitation and funeral went amazingly well, Joan was extremely strong throughout both. I know the days ahead will be tough, some tougher than others. For the first time since Tom's death, I did not stop by her house last night. I guess I felt she needed to find some serenity in her home and son for once without others barging in. I will stop on my way home tonight, though, and this weekend. Supposed to be close to 60 tomorrow, so maybe I can entice her to come here to go for a horse ride down the road. Not very exciting riding, but will be good for the horses, and better for us, no mud, and time to reminisce as well!
Pond is crystal clear, nothing is showing up on the quilt batting ... yet. Temps have been in upper 30's for highs and mid 20's for lows. I see Colleen is back to really cold temps ... did I just see 3 degrees F??? Yikes!!! That really sucks, after your near 60 degree day last week. I don't see any unusually warm temps through the next 10 days except the 60 on Sat., though. Then, just some 50's and mostly 40's for highs, but I'll take it. Time for the daffodils and hyacinths to bloom, and tulips to start thinking of popping up! Now is the time I wish I had some crocuses ... maybe have to add some of them this fall.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Sounds like your friend Joan will be ok. It will just take time to heal and w/ you and others there to help her try to get on w/ life and try to enjoy things again. Prolly seems really dark and gloomy inside her right now but each day will get better. Hope she goes w/ you on the ride. It will do her good to get out.
Glad your pond is doing well still and I think you really dodged one heck of a bullet!

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