The pond dig has begun!


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
He was a very good looking black cat, and the other puppies are so darn cute, watching the cat play fetch, that's just the cutiest thing I saw in a very long time! It was just a "freak" accident, hopefully you will find another replacement cat somewhere down the road... :)
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks for your kind words, ladies. He was a "special" cat that's for sure. Not looking to replace him, as I really don't want to have any cats in the house. Am kinda thinking of bringing my calico from the barn into the house, although not sure she would appreciate that! She has a very calm nature, and think she would get along well with Grace, but may just leave her out there for now. She's such a beautiful cat, most gorgeous calico I've ever seen. Always loved the calicos, and had her spayed, as I knew I would want to keep every calico kitten she may have had!
The thing that is ticking me off is some of my Facebook friends are thinking that Yukon was the one that killed Tarzan. I know for a fact that dog could not have ever done that. He loves the cats, and I've never seen him act even remotely aggressive toward them, EVER! In fact, the cats literally run to him all the time. They always seemed to know, even when he was a puppy, that he was a cat lover. I don't know how that works, but the cats knew. Just the fact that Yukon had obviously been in water submerged over his back tells me he was involved in Tarzan, and I believe in my heart he was the one that fished him out of the pond. I suspect he saw Tarzan after he was already dead, and was unable to reach him, and then fell in trying to get to Tarzan. The grandest thing is that he got him out! That's amazing in itself to me. Tarzan was also very wet, so I figure that he also had to have been in the water to have gotten that wet.
But, that's in the past. I'm heading out this morning on my cruise. Got my first pedicure, and 2nd ever manicure last night, and with teal finger and toenails, and palm trees on them as well, I'm ready for the beaches and sunshine and ocean!!! Take care all my GPF friends. I'll be back on no later than a week from tomorrow, when we check into our hotel in FL for 3 more days after the cruise.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
HAVE FUN CE think of us poor poor ponders back here in the cold boring places .


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
just make sure they give you a seat belt for your chair .No drinking and driving the boat either if they offer you a tour of the wheel house sober up first .
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I'm baaaaaaack! Had a great time with total of 16 family members on the cruise, then 4 of us went to Key West for 3 more days. My flight back to Indianapolis on Wed. that originally started out arriving back there at 9:30 p.m. (IN time, 8:30 pm IL time), got changed 2 weeks after I booked it to 10:30 pm, and then got delayed the day of the flight so I arrived back to IN at midnight. It was just before 2 a.m. when I pulled into my drive, after a 2.5 hr drive once luggage was picked up, I was delivered to long-term parking and my truck. Had to work on Thurs., too, but I made it just fine. I was in bed Thur. night at 8, and slept easily through til 6:30. Pretty much caught up. Been trying to get pics cropped, edited, etc. since then, FB friends bugging me to post pics (since other family members were home on Sun. night, started posting in the airport!!!), so here are a few of the fun pics that I thought I'd share with you all. I took something like 600 pics, lots of them sunsets, but as my brother says, 30 pics of sunsets net you at least one good one.
Our first port was Nassau Bahamas. My sister and I went walking and sight seeing.
Julie and I in Nassau.JPG
That's our boat (or do we call it a ship?), the Carnival Valor. My sister found a room on the 2nd level (2nd level of windows from the water that is) that had 2 large windows in it! You can see it at the back of the ship, off my left shoulder. Where the side angles back, you see 2 square windows, that's our room! Not only did we have 2 windows (oceanview rooms have just one), but we also had 1/2 of another room! Our room was literally larger than my brother's balcony room, and the same size as my mom's suite! The only thing my mom had that we didn't was a small "dressing room" before the bathroom, and they also had a whirlpool tub, we had stand up shower. We were thrilled with all that extra room.
Our room was on the rear corner with 2 windows .JPG
One of the many sunsets along the way.
Sunset Day 3 again.JPG
Leave it to me to find a really cool spider to photograph on vacation!
Cool spider.JPG
On the ship during sail away, at sunset, drinks in hand. :)
Julie, Sarah, and me.JPG
One of our stops was San Juan, Puerto Rico. This wall was built as a form of protection from the sea - both water and thieves.
The Wall in San Juan.JPG
If ever in San Juan, look up the "original pina colada bar", I think the name is "Barrachina". It has the BEST pina coladas. They are made with a slushy machine, so no added ice to the drink mix, which is the real stuff: coconut milk, pineapple juice, rum. Yummy!!!
At the Pina Colada Bar Barrachini.JPG
I can't remember where this was. Maybe also in San Juan. This man walked around with corn, he would put some in your hand, to get his pigeon friends to jump up. Then, he walked away, didn't even beg for money for more corn! Of course, he probably figured out Americans would be more likely to give him money if he didn't ask for it. Worked for me! I thought it was pretty neat. I love all birds, animals, bugs, etc. anyhow.
Corn in hand brings pigeons to arm.JPG
My brother, daughter and I scuba dove in Grand Turk. Saw a really cool sea turtle, the highlight of my daughter's dive, and she got an awesome pic of it. I had 2 underwater cameras for the 4 separate dives I did in 2 places, but have not remembered to take them in to be developed yet.
Ready to go diving.JPG
This pic is myself with my 2 kids on the left, and then my youngest sister and her 2 kids on the right. This was "formal" night, although Carnival is not as strict on the formal issue as some other cruise lines.
Our kids.JPG


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I spent 2 weeks in San Juan and have a friends who live there and they have been begging me to come over and stay with them .Sounds like you had a great time and made lots of great family memories .You and your spiders :razz:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Then, after the cruise, 4 of us went to The Keys for 3 more days. We stayed in Key Largo, brother and I did 2 scuba dives in Key Largo, and went to Key West for the sunset on Tuesday. Weather for our whole trip was perfect, rained only one time, as we were getting back on the ship in Gran Turk, but that produced a gorgeous double rainbow!
Oops, this was the last sunset on the ship, day before we disembarked in Miami.
Sunset on ship.JPG
And, the last sunset on the ship.
Sun setting.JPGSun rays going up and down.JPG
Now we are in Key West. The "resident" squirrels we were told are very friendly, and they WERE! My brother, sister and I were feeding them all 3 days. No problem getting them to take nuts right out of your hand.
Brian feeding baby.JPGFriendly squirrels.JPG
Saw lots of pelicans and I think the white bird is a white heron. They told us the white herons had pink legs, white cranes had gray. I looked it up, think this one is a heron, although they look very similar to me.
Say Ahhhhhh.JPGWhite heron I think.JPG
Can anyone tell me what caused the pretty green, yellow and red spots on the right side of the next two pics? The sunset was in Key West.
Color spot on right .JPGWhat is the green yellow red on the right.JPG
This pelican was in this position for several seconds, long enough for me to point and shoot the pic. I called him the "yoga" pelican. His one leg is up under his wing, like he's stretching it.
Yoga pelican.JPG
More Key West sunset, and the second one was taken with my phone, so apologize for the small size. But do you see the "rubber ducky"? That's note photoshopped, it's how the clouds moved around the sun as it was setting. I thought it was pretty cool! Wish I'd gotten the pic with my regular camera, though.
KW sunset boat birds.JPGRubber duckey sunset in KW with phone.jpg
We took out kayaks from the resort where we stayed (Amoray in Key Largo) and went through the mangroves. Saw this large male iguana both times we went in the mangroves, same spot. Probably the same one.
You looking at me.JPGLarge male iguana.JPG
And, lastly, here's me suited up for a scuba dive in Key Largo.
Suited up for a dive.JPG
We didn't see the Giant Golith Gruper that I'd seen 3.5 years ago, but that's ok. We saw lots of really neat fish, including trumpet fish, midnight parrot fish (school of about 30 of them, and they were large in size!), sea turtle, lobster, queen/french/gray angels, barracudas, nurse sharks, cowfish, and many more.
Good to be back tho. Great weather today, 56 for a high, although windy. So, played outside around the pond, got goldfish pond thawed out since the pump clogged, so neighbor unplugged everything. Even have the waterfall up and running again on koi pond! Going to get supposedly single digits on Monday, though. Brrrr!!!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Welcome back CE, the valor is a nice ship. Glad you had a great time, but then again how can you not when cruising! We really like the more relaxed atmosphere of carnival.
Cool spider!


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
wow nice pics and loved the sail boat and hope you did not bring any of those birds home with you YIKES .
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Nope, no birds came home with me, didn't even tell them I have a sushi bar in my back yard. LOL We fed Ibis birds at the dock of the resort, too. They would not eat out of our hands, but almost! I love friendly wildlife. There were wild cats along the shores in San Juan, living and hiding in the huge boulders that separated the ocean from the sidewalk and Wall. Some were friendly, some very wild. We could tell people had been feeding them cat food in some places. Litter of kittens were very wild, but most of the adults looked like they had been fixed, one ear tip cut off to show neutered or spayed. So, figured since the kitten's mama had not been fixed, she's been chased, and taught them to be wary of humans.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
good you didn't because if it headed addy 's way she would not like that .No eggs to hatch any either :razz:

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