Here's the video I did of Tarzan the day before I found him dead. He was his normal self, begging for me to play fetch with him. He had already fetched the "toy" (piece of aquarium tubing) several times before I grabbed the camera. I thought it was cute how Denali and Yukon watched to see where Tarzan was going. BTW, none of my dogs will go down the steps. I've never "taught" them, and they seem to think there is a boogie monster down there. I figure that's fine, keeps them out of more trouble.

Thought it would be best to post the video here, instead on other wider viewed threads. I'm not dwelling on his death, and not looking for sympathy. Very sad it happened, and feel awful that maybe I could have prevented it, but what's done is done. Period, move on, that's my thought on the issue. Enjoy the video!
Colleen, I think since the plug got unplugged for the stream, THAT's why he went on the ice of the koi pond to get to water, and possibly slipped in. All of this is speculation, but given the facts I had, that's my deduction on how he died. He was often outside all day, so even on cold days, that would not have killed him. And I know my dogs would not have hurt him, as they think of him as one of the dogs, and Tarzan always acted more like a dog than a cat anyhow. So, the only possible solution is he drowned. He would not have gone to the neighbors, if there is a possibility of poison in the neighborhood, so I don't think that's how it happened either. Anyhow, he's gone, and I still have Grace, although she's pretty much a lap warmer, not as unique as Tarzan, but I love her as well!
Yes, our pets become part of our "family" and when we lose them, it is a great tragedy. But, as I said, life does go on, and I shall, too! Heading to southern beaches is sure going to help, that's for sure! Leave tomorrow. Will try to post pics while I'm out and about, but we shall see.