The pond dig has begun!

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I pretend not to hear it hoping the wife will get up and take care of it. :biggrinangelA:
You're funny, TMan! And, sorry, but those angel wings and halo did not help. LOL

Yep, the stuff gets past my basket and pre-filter, too, so that must be how they are designed, to help keep them from getting stopped up on the pre-filter. I just need to clean the prefilter more often. I usually spray it off into a bucket of water, and then use that for watering plants. No water goes to waste, especially since it's so dry.
As I was rinsing the pea gravel last weekend (10 bags of it!) I used every bit of water for trees, landscaping, etc. I have plenty of water with 3 wells, but I still hate to waste it. LOl


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Addy, you really want me to think this one out, don't you?! LOL So, if my pipe now goes into the bog on the closest end to the skimmer and you suggested I run a pipe 1/3 of the way into the bog from each end .... would it be best to run the pipe to the middle, then take it to each end, THEN have the slots or holes in the pipe for the water to push through on the end sections, going 1/3 of the way towards the center of the bog? Do I have you understood properly. I think I will have way better water flow this way. I guess I could also run 2 pipes next to each other down the middle from one end, one have holes on the close end, the other have holes on the far end ... but think the first way might be better. Am I close to your thoughts on this design?

Lol lets see if we can connect..........

My bog the pump pumps the water into the bog via one tube (2inch) it T's to two 2inch pipes that run the length of the bog about 26-27 feet. The slots nearest the entry are further apart then the holes at the end of the pipe. The ends terminate at the furthest point from the input from the pump.

With yours I was saying have two pipes running side by side dividing your bog into thirds a T at the entry where the water goes into the two pipes. We did sweeps into the pipes for good water flow. One would most likely do your bog, but two would give better overall flow through the gravel. Have the pipes run the length of the bog, with the clean out i.e. stick a hose in and flush if you ever need to, at the ends poking up through the pea gravel.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
OK, so 2 pipes it will be. I like the idea of farther apart holes close to the inlet of the water, and closer at the end. Never thought to do differently. Always fresh ideas with you. :) And, if I do 2 pipes, and one gets somewhat clogged, the other will keep up until I can get both unclogged. So far, though, although there is stuff in the lines, the water is flowing pretty well.
Just as clarification, would I flush from the pump toward the end (with the pipe off of the pump of course) I assume? Or, does it matter which way I would flush? I guess if I take the plug off the end in the bog, there should be nothing holding back any junk that gets in there, although I would guess some will remain stuck to the inside walls.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
OK, so 2 pipes it will be. I like the idea of farther apart holes close to the inlet of the water, and closer at the end. Never thought to do differently. Always fresh ideas with you. :) And, if I do 2 pipes, and one gets somewhat clogged, the other will keep up until I can get both unclogged. So far, though, although there is stuff in the lines, the water is flowing pretty well.
Just as clarification, would I flush from the pump toward the end (with the pipe off of the pump of course) I assume? Or, does it matter which way I would flush? I guess if I take the plug off the end in the bog, there should be nothing holding back any junk that gets in there, although I would guess some will remain stuck to the inside walls.

you could use the pump as a flush, or stick a garden hose in and flush. Make slots not holes, we cut 1/3 through the pipe with a saw jaw, or use a table saw. I also put a extra piece of liner below the pipe so the water did not pound the liner constantly. Or you can do holes on each side pointing towards the bottom like a 45 degree angle rather than pointing directly at the bottom.

the pipe walls, I would not think, would not get loaded up, it is dark, algae should not grow well, so far my pipes insides are clean, when I look at them lol, and these are the ones not under the bog. It is mainly if you get large stuff in the piping and it starts to fill up the pipe, the junk does not make it out the holes/slots
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
After an EXTREMELY frustrating afternoon yesterday (bought parts, didn't fit, had to go back to town to get different pipe), got my pipe replaced from skimmer to the bog. And, WOW, is it flowing now! I originally used 1" clear tubing, but could see the algae in it, so decided to replace with 1.5" flexible pond pipe. Turns out even though the pipe said 1.5" ID, the 1.5" ribbed connectors would not work. I tried heating the tubing in water, cutting a small slit to help it and ended up going back to town and getting more of the (much cheaper) sump pump pipe. I'm pretty sure this pipe will not make it through the freeze, but at $5.78 per 24' section, it will be an easy replacement. I figure if the pipe under the pea gravel cracks, as long as it doesn't come totally apart, it won't matter, and I'll remove the pipe from the bog to the skimmer. Now today I will replace the pipe from the pump to the fountain with the same stuff. Already replaced the waterfall pipe. All of this will be extremely easy to replace if necessary, but most of it will either be removed for winter, or put to the bottom of the pond with a string to pull it up in the spring. Going to actually go into the pond today and remove a couple of stones that fell in during the construction. But, since it's going to be warm again, and since the pond water is VERY warm, it will be a fun swim!


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I use the sump pump piping also and it works great .I just insulate it with those large opening pool noodles or pipe insulation if I can get the wide opening stuff at my plumbing supply store .I keep waterproofing tape handy you can buy it in the plumbing section and it works even over wet stuff .It is real sticky though and still have a piece stuck to the bottom of my sneakers after 2 months


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Glad you got your plumbing worked out country! It can be frustrating.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Your idea to do the holes in the first half on one length in the bog, and on the second half on the other tube was a super idea! I can see the water bubbling all the way along the bog now, and I could not before. And, with the end caps that I can open and flush, hopefully no more clogging along the way.
BTW, the plants you and JW sent to me, are all doing really well. I could not believe the root systems they had put down! The plant with the teeny tiny white flowers has had a few flowers, and the others are all growing, more under the water than above, some of them, so it will be next year before they really go for it, but I'm patient! I was thrilled to see so much root system, since some didn't seem to be growing much above the water. Now I know why!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Neat glad it worked out for you. Anytime I turn off the pump I watch for the water coming back up into the bog, so far have not seen any non flow spots.

The plants will get nicely established this year and grow great next year. They sure will help you keep your pond clean, I still have not had any real algae issues. Just some in the small ponds that are warmer and just occasional water flow.


Life is good today!
Jan 8, 2012
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Milan, TN
Hardiness Zone
OK, since my initial tote I used for DIY filter is leaking at the drain hole, I've purchased a much larger container, 55 gallon garbage container, to use. VERY heavy duty! Attached the waterfall weir this evening, used lots of clear silicone, stainless steel bolts, nuts and lock washers, now waiting for 24 hours before putting it into use. Other filter is still being used, as the leak is very minor, although at any time it could get far worse. Waterfall area is not even started, and this tall container will be dug in somewhat when I get the chance to work on it again. Starting to feel like everything and everyone else needs to be put on hold so I can work on the pond! LOL
Since this container is taller, I'm rethinking how the waterfall will run now, since I have a septic tank straight behind the waterfall area, and cannot go farther to get higher. Maybe I will wrap the waterfall around the edge of the pond, and work up some type of levels that way. So, didn't add the drain to the bottom yet, although that needs to be figured out and done before I add the water, I know.

Country Escape... what did you use for your waterfall weir? I've enjoyed reading your thread and am learning as I go.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, Pondlover! I thoroughly enjoyed building it, and added to the bog (had extra liner just tucked under so expanded with that), and already am thinking of adding another somewhat smaller pond for the goldies, and let the koi have the original larger pond!
The weir I bought from KoiGuy. He has a listing under classifieds, if you go there search for Weir and you will find his listing. He makes them, and he shipped one to me really quick. He's really reasonable, too. He has all sizes and can make whatever size you want. Good luck!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I worked on my waterfall today, had been wanting to change it from simply sloping from one flat stone to the next, to more "falls" as the water went down the slope to the pond. Here's the waterfall before I started removing rocks:
Waterfall before reworking.JPG
Then I removed the rocks in the waterfall, plus all the rocks on both sides as my liner goes from the pond, up and over the wall between waterfall and pond (behind the wall) and then across the waterfall area. This is what it looked like when I got all those rocks moved.
Reworking waterfall Feb 2012 rocks removed.JPG
Then I moved dirt, dug more shelves for a couple of "falls" at least toward the top, and put the rocks back in the main stream area.
Waterfall changes made more falls in stream.JPG
It was a good news/bad news effort. Turned water on with hose coming out of the waterfall weir. Water kept running to the side of the first stone, therefore, running under all the lower rocks and stones. I moved it several times, but after moving most of those big rocks 3-4 times, I decided my back had had enough for one day and called it quits. Next weekend I'll hit it both days and get it finished. I know I can shift the rocks around and if I get them where I think I will leave them, I'll use the black goop Addy talks again to help channel the water. Also, that bottom flat rock before going into the pond .... it's turned the wrong way! Yikes, that "point" is not supposed to be pointing toward the pond. LOL I figured I'd better say something before someone else points it out. Too tired to go out and move it this evening.
Also, I rinsed out my DIY Skippy filter and for some reason I cannot get the shut off valve to close all the way. It has always been hard to get it to go the last 1/4" but today I could not get it, May have to pull the filter out before I fill it to put some silicone or vaseline or something on that valve so it's easier to open and more importantly SHUT!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
You might have a small piece of twig, dirt stuck in the valve. Are you talking about that big rock on the bottom left ? I like the way the point is pointing lol

Looking good there all your work

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