I have puppies again! Finally, after breeding her for 3 heat cycles (she comes into heat every 4 months for some reason, and is hard to get bred ....), she had a litter of puppies yesterday, November 14. This pic was taken on Friday, day before she had her puppies.
There are 5 puppies, 4 females (woohoo!!!!!) and 1 male. She actually had a 6th puppy, the 5th born, but it was born dead, and was also a female. This is her largest litter yet and very happy with the results. This litter has more females than all of her other litters (3) combined before.

I was gone to help my brother sell his BMW and Yamaha motorcycles (been stored 15+ years ...) and Fiat cars yesterday. Did a mini auction of sorts. He sold the rental house, so it was either get rid of the stuff in the garage (and believe me, my hoarder brother had LOTS of "stuff" in that garage, literally piled to the ceiling on top of the cars ...), or let it go to the buyer on closing in December. So, the money made yesterday was pretty much "free" to him. I did all the work placing ads, typing up paperwork, and will get the titles to what we can, and the rest was sold as without title. Anyhow, had neighbor girl stop by to check on Denali during the day, and at 3 she still had no puppies. I got home around 7 to 4 female already born!
After Denali begging to go outside several times, I realized there may be more puppies, and there WERE! She had the 5th puppy, born dead, followed immediately by the 6th puppy, her only male! She had them on the floor in the utility room, instead of in the whelping box, but promptly carried it, by the head LOL, into the whelping box. Here she is cleaning off her only boy.
I'm thrilled with more females than males for once. Denali is doing great, very relaxed and happy this morning. Best part, they will be 1 day shy of 6 weeks on Christmas Day!!!!! So, yes, some people think puppies need to stay with the mom for 8 weeks. However, if a mother dog weans her puppies by 5 weeks, I see no reason to keep them together. My females have always been allowed to come and go, never have kept them confined or made them stay with the puppies. To me that is cruel. All dogs I have raised in the past were handled the same way - German Shepherds, Rat Terriers, Boxers, Golden Retrievers, and now Boston Terriers. Denali will stay with the puppies the first few days up to a week 24/7, but after that she will roam away from them more and more. By 5 weeks, she will maybe let them nurse once or twice a day, or sometimes she is totally done with them by then. So, yes, I will let the puppies go for Christmas, or keep them longer, depending on the buyers.