The pond dig has begun!

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
A friend of mine surprised me with this sign she made and left on my koi pond when I got home from vacation in UT, to meet my granddaughter, Aspyn! I love it! There is a bullfrog that sits in the lilies in front if it pretty much all of the them.
Frog sign.JPG

Kea loves water ... I cannot keep her out of the stream and bogs, always wet and often muddy. This pic was because she went and wallowed in the ditch, rolling over in the mud to get as dirty as possible. I call her my "mud puppy". LOL
Kea the mud puppy.JPG

Happy Returns day lilies are in full bloom, as are my coneflowers which I grew from seed last spring, and the butterflies love them!!! The two butterflies in the second pic are a Red Admiral and Great Spangled Fritillary. I used to be a butterfly enthusiast as a little girl, and found an amazing website to help ID butterflies in IL. :)
Happy Returns and coneflowers.JPG
Great Spangled and Red Admiral.JPG

The koi are enjoying all the fresh water the rains have brought in the last two weeks. Over 13" is over my comfort zone, though. Been 10 days since I mowed, and looks like going to be a few more before the yard is even remotely dry enough to attempt. Ho hum .... everything is very green, though. :)
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Spotted some dragonflies around the ponds this afternoon, finally had no rain for 12 hours. LOL Then got really lucky and was standing next to the edge of the pond, and a female came up and was laying eggs on a penny wart leaf. To give some perspective, the leaf is about 1-1.5" in diameter. I would never have noticed the eggs had I not seen the dragonfly lay them! Will post video when it finishes uploading from YouTube.
Blue Dasher Dragonfly - this is a male.
Blue Dasher 2.JPG

Blue Dasher dragonfly eggs
Dragonfly eggs.JPG
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Here's the video of the female Blue Dasher dragonfly laying eggs. I thought it was so interesting how she kept turning about a half circle before depositing the next batch. She pretty much filled up this leaf. The pic above is another set of penny wart leaves right next to this one she laid her eggs on.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
My pond this morning. Thin leafed sunflower is blooming really well on the left, and past that the Obedient plant is beginning to bloom. The pink flowers are hibiscus I grew from seeds I got from Sissy a couple of years ago. :) Oh, and yellow, tiny white, and pink lilies blooming in the pond, too.
Blooming pond.JPG
Last edited:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
At my house (as it varies even 5 miles from me) I had 16.3" of rain in the month of June! Yep, we got a bunch. Now it has quit pretty much no rain for the last 3 weeks, except for .1" at a time once a week or so. Average rainfall for my area in June I read was 4.25", so about 4 times average! Everything was flooded - fields, ditches, people's yards. Perennials were dying, trees, gardens ... everything was getting drowned because the water table was so high, roots were standing in water. Three weeks ago, just as the rains came to an end (we were joking, not having 48 hours in a row with no rain!!!!), I was planting some wild flowers and dug one shovel deep, and hit water!
It's amazing how 30 days ago all of this was just getting going with growth, and now it looks very overgrown. Was losing water from the koi pond, thinking it's one of the bog plants that has very thick roots, diverting the water and now allowing it to drain freely back to the pond, so pulled some more of them tonight.Will check level in the a.m., but when the temps are 90 degrees and humid, seems water is leaving at an alarming rate, just from the sun and heat!

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