Since this thread is the OPEN chat (non-specific/non-pond area) I figure this is the best place to discuss this. This might sound like a bit of a "myth-buster" item, so please bare with me.
I read someone's post here inquiring about using H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) for their pond for "this or that" purpose. I don't think that I can buy into that, but I have always known that using just a light spritz or quick rinse with 3% H2O2 will deter heads of lettuce from wilting or potatoes from decaying in storage or sliced apples from turning brown. It is also good to use in the shower, after you have showered, to spray the walls and deter mildew.
Now, here is the MYTH part. Some people claim that if you take a soaking bath with 2-3 cups of 35% food grade H2O2 that it will "invigorate" you.
Knowing that H2O2 is a great oxidizer, I ordered two gallons of 35% food grade peroxide for sterilizing purposes (for my home beer brewing stuff) and other items. Since I had it, I thought I would test the validity of the bath "myth". So I poured myself a warm bath and added four cups of 35% H2O2 and tried it out.
People, I think that this may actually work. Sincerely, I do feel more awake and energetic. Granted, some of this could be psychological, but there is a definite sensation that is beyond that. I will have to test this more scientifically to ensure that I am not just hyping myself up on it, but even if I am wrong on that part, one thing is for certain... It is doing a great job cleaning the lime scale from my sink basin! I feared to use an acid like Muriatic as it may etch the basin and take away the polish and any metal plating on the fixtures. The peroxide is much slower at removing the lime, but it is definitely doing the job and it seems to be doing a more proper job at that.
Must forewarn you, it is one hell of a bleaching agent. I swirled my fingers around in the sink and within minutes they turned white like eggshells. Looks like I have been white-washing the fence with Tom Sawyer! Of course, that was non-diluted 35% H2O2.
Has anyone here ever investigated this? It's weird, I feel like I just drank a whole pot of coffee, but I am not jittery and my heart is not racing like it does when I do drink a lot of coffee. I just feel very awake.