Funny story ... Anyone that has horses knows that dogs love the pieces of the horse hoof that are trimmed off when the farrier comes. Well, my farrier was here this morning, and when I let the dogs out, it was like kids at a candy shop.
So, I have 3 Boston Terriers - Denali who is 4 years old, Quincy who is not quite 1, and Kea, who is 7 months old. Denali tends to take and stash many pieces, so she has them for later.The two "pups" were constantly fighting over the same piece of hoof, even though there were plenty more in the pile. Well, Quincy kept trying to steal Kea's pieces, so next thing I knew, she was soaking wet. I could not figure out how she got so wet! Watched her, and she was going into the goldfish bog in an area that is at least 4" deep of water, and digging in the pea gravel to bury her treasurers! She knew that Denali and Quincy don't care for the water, and won't go there to get her stash! How clever is that? Of course, I told her to get out of the bog, find some place else to bury her goodies. LOL