I liked the pic, Koiguy, and had to look twice to see those were GI Joe men! Very creative indeed!
Yep, Barney is a good boy. Taught him this morning to sit. Maybe he already knew how, but all weekend, when I would ask, he would not respond. Finally I did a one-on-one with him here at my recliner. Other dogs were sleeping. He wanted to be petted. Told him to sit, pushed his butt down. Praised him with being petted. Then, pretty soon he came back for more pets. Just took 3 times for him to get the message. Smart boy! Yes, I think he will learn lots of things if I can take the time to teach him.
So far I know this about him: He ignores cats for the most part, but loves to find their "cheweys" (my daughter's description LOL) in the litter pan, so that tells me he's been around cats and litter pans. He seems to have been a house dog, very well behaved, stays off furniture, only one accident in the house this morning. Get along very well with other dogs, and backs down when another one tells him to. I can put my hand in his food bowl while he is eating, and he takes small treats from my fingers very gently. He's very at home in the barn sleeping in the hay with the other dogs. He went into the kennel on his own on Sat., so that tells me he's not afraid of being locked up, maybe he feels safe in a pen. Have not tried putting him a crate, although he would probably fit in the one I have. Denali stays in it, so no need to try him out in it. So far, besides last night, he has stayed in my yard, not wandered off. And, last night he may have been sleeping somewhere, just didn't find him. He seems to want to sit in my recliner with me, but has not tried to get on the couch or other recliner.
The local EARS association wants me to have him neutered tomorrow, take him to an Adopt-a-thon on Sat. I've decided that's moving too fast. I've already offered to food the bill for his food, so have declined to move that fast. And, their "contract for surrender" states I have no say in the home he gets adopted to. That's not going to fly either. I WILL have a say, or I won't sign their contract. I will have far more in him with food, gas, etc. than they will for the vet bill in getting him neutered for goodness sake.
He is laying next to my chair, this seems to be where he feels safe. Has not tried to snuggle with the other dogs on their blanket or pet bed. He's taken to me fast, but that is understandable, especially if he never got any good vibes from previous owners. He knows a good thing when he finds it.