Wayne, there is no end. The world goes on, even after cataclysmic events take place. Just a note, got sucked into the "end" a few times, still here.... Every generation in history thought "this is it, This Is The END!" Like the the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Mongolin invasions, the first world war, the Second World War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and then even the Iraq war, I heard my mother talk for years, gathered around the table, talking with "bibical scholars", This Is It, This is The End.... tired of "Y2K. When I was in the army, they had "experts" come tells us our computers would not work, so all the "orderly rooms" got all new computers. Then they said the power would go out and cars would not start, we had to sit and listen to the EXPERTS tell us there would be chaos in the streets, so we prepared and had "confidential orders" on how to deal with riots, ....... nothing happened!