@Rach, yes that is the stuff, but I've only done one dosage with that. I'm not sure what the other stuff is I picked up from the local store. In either case, they will discolor the water and/or leave a film on the water shortly after treatment, but that goes away overnight.
Overall the algae is looking great!!! I noticed this weekend that the stuff is completely dying off from the rocks around the edges, so that should clear the way for the rosies to start spawning again. I am still having to clean my pumps daily to remove the algae that has come loose. I haven't checked my phosphate levels in the past few days, maybe I'll get a chance to do that tonight. The last test showed the levels still hanging around 0.25ppm so I'll keep treating until it drops down.
Our weather has taken a complete 180 turn. For the last couple weeks instead of being flooded we're suddenly in a drought. I had to kick on the sprinklers and the yard is still trying to turn brown. The good news though is that I should be able to do a large water change soon and get the gravel bed cleaned out, which will also greatly help with the algae problem. I know the fish aren't as happy not having that heavy carpet to hide under, but the rest of the plants are filling in quite thick so the fish certainly aren't exposed.