I like the atkins diet but that's another topic to debate.
Farmers have used barley for their ponds for many years. I think its good, pond peat is better, but I know caterpiller dung is best. I have used the peat and barley in the past, before I discovered what the caterpillers have to offer. I always tell my friends that someday I'm going to spread a sheet under the trees and catch the dung and sell it. It falls from the tree into my pond each year. When the caterpillers are at their peak cycle in the larvae stage, mass amounts are dropped. At this time the pond water will turn a deep golden clear color. The color fades fast when the caterpillers stop eating. All these products are natural fungicides. Fungus is deadly for fish eggs and fish, as infections are to humans. These products also dye the water naturally, filtering out the suns hot spectrum. All natural ponds in nature have trees and all trees around here have caterpillers, and the local ponds at the park here have lots of fish, frogs and other aquatic life. These products also lower the Ph and condition the water. High Ph combined with natural waste can lead to ammonia problems. These products are all natural and in accordance with nature. I really don't care what some university says about barley and peat. They have made many mistakes and I doubt anyone their has had a pond running not stop for a 20 years experment like I have. I must be doing it right, otherwise the dragonfiles would'nt hatch each year out of my pond iris, the water striders would not colonize within the pond and eat the bad aphids off my lillys and the fish would'nt live happily for over 20 years. Look at the experts and all their dumb drugs mistakes, one after another! I could go on and on about the dumb mistakes the so called experts have made, but that's another topic!