THE supply enters the bog in the red pipe on the left side of the photo
Where the 24" double walled pipe allows segiment and larger debris to fall out of the water column as there is very little flow/ moveent in that area from only 6,000 gallons and hour in a 24 inch pipe .
iThe water then pushes up through a 6" layer of mellon sized rocks.
Where it comes ito a second settling chamber the aqua blocks.
IT then if forced upward very slowly through 24" of 3/4 and 3/8" pea stone Where the roots of the plants absorb anything remaining and thrive off the nitrates and phosphates as well as convert any ammonia or nitrites
The 24" pipe that is vertical i pump a lot of air at to insure the bacteria has as much o2 as it needs to thrive. and that pipe is about a foot plus lower then any other part of the bog so any sediment drops to that point for maintenance . the aqua blocks do not enter the vertical 24" pipe but the lower angled 24" pipe does
The craziest thing is i have fish living in the 24" pipes that entered as fry and are now about 4"
I should add this is 14 feet x 9 feet x 7 feet for a pond that is around 14,000 gallons
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