I have a Skippy filter. I built it, oh 8 years ago. In a way it’s sort of a hybrid type filter, as you can add plants, but the mechanics of the filter are that water is pumped into a [sort of] manifold from beneath. The first however number of inches are a dead space. Then, you secure a support material above that. On top of the support material, you add your [whatever you are using for] bio- media. Water flows up, and eventually exits through a weir or pipe, back into the pond. The idea is that crud collects in the dead space, while clean water flows up through the media.
It’s a love/hate. I had a 3000 gallon pond, and a 100 gallon stock tank as my Skippy. Once it was matured, it was a great biofilter. I never had a single problem with my water. But it wasn’t good for mechanical filtration.
I’ll include examples, but we’re in the car....and it’s hard to draw when you’re on a Louisiana road!