Rick Simpsons Help Oil Story

May 14, 2012
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Today is not a good day...but with MM it is better. Since my first post my situation has changed dramatically. I don't know what I'd do without MM.

They have been messing with my right hip for ten years. Six op's and five hips later the VA, not the clan here, discovered that my immune system shut off a few years back. A glance back through my bloodwork shows a steady pattern. It's almost like they were ignoring the fact I am basically falling apart. I don't have cancer...but everything I have is accelerated and extended due to the fact my "warriors" aren't sufficient in number to wage a decent battle.

It's a long story but they are now reeling from this discovery. They are trying to jumpstart my immune system but the first attempt (steroids) has failed. Nobody can explain exactly what I have nor can they give me a prognosis. One doctor told me that people in my situation die from a cold. It develops into Pneumonia.

They don't know why it happened but there isn't much doubt that all the chemicals they pumped into me during my extreme hip infection convinced my immune system that they were in control and it was time to retire. They have seen it before...but failed to diagnose for about seven years.

If I had begun with Medical Marijuana ten years back I would probably be fairly healthy now. I've lived a healthy lifestyle. They have so many odd ailments now that they often discover things they can't explain. Our society pumps all this crap into you via food and drugs that we are entering into a medical limbo-land.

A side-effect here is I am having trouble with my eyes. They can't find a reason but my right eye has decided the left is full of hooey and refuses to track with it. I have severe double vision and will be fitted with some odd prismatic lenses. I cannot drive and the situation is getting worse. I'm scared. Half the doctors say it is my immune system..half say the opposite. Nobody knows anymore. They prescribe tests that are unnecessary that lead to a "nothing" diagnosis, all driven by the insurance companies....

Of course, Congress is right on it. They have our backs. Right?

Sorry. needed to vent. Thanks for listening.


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
here is a copy and paste of some links i just found posted on my homepage...didnt watch them or even check them out..but theyre all on cannabis meds.
Cannabis Educational Videos & links


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
i was looking for a good video on the fact that Monsanto is already on the bandwagon... gonna destroy a good thing. and found this one under a wrong title. but...
this is just funny...an old police training video...
Feb 17, 2013
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Zone 5-6
koiguy1969 said:
WHATS AMAZING IS THAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS LETTING COUNTLESS PEOPLE SUFFER, AND MANY DIE. WHEN A CURE FOR SO MANY AILMENTS AND CONDITIONS CAN BE READILY AVAILABLE....and the rest of the plant not used in the medicine, makes paper, clothing, rope, food, nutritional suppliments, soap.makeup, building materials. and is renewable yearly not evey 50 years like the forests. and all this without depleting the soil of its nutrient load. i am just so amazed at the way the greed, and personal agendas of a few is being put before the needs of the masses.

just a sidenote...the FDA says that claims of treating or curing an ailment or disease is illegal unless clinical studies are done...but the government considers marijuana a class 1 controlled substance illegal for any use...so thereby making the studies illegal and wont do the studies themselves. this makes their version of proof unobtainable... i read there are over 5000 documented cases of anecdotal evidence...all ignored.
Your sidenote sums it up. I really don’t believe there are too many people out there that would not agree that there are medicinal benefits from this plant, yet here we are in an endless circle of bureaucracy. It has been summed up in a lot of other posts and it is true, big pharma has control and it’s a dam shame. Our health and well being should not be big business and profit in someone’s pocket!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
Research into the workings of the endocannabinoid system has yielded significant discoveries for scientists attempting to learn more about pre and post-natal development.
It is apparent that endocannabinoids, chemical compounds produced in the body that are similar to the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana, act as a catalyst for early embryonic development and development thereafter into maturity. The same compounds have also been found at incredibly high concentrations in maternal breast milk, suggesting that cannabinoids are more important to our successful growth than was ever thought before.

All Humans Are Born With Cannabinoid Receptors
The European Journal of Pharmacology published an article back in 2004 that claimed the messenger RNA of CB1 (the abbreviation for a group of specialized proteins known as cannabinoid receptors) can be found in the human embryo just fourteen weeks after gestation. Subsequently in the 20th week, growth of cannabinoid receptor activity in several areas of the brain starts to accelerate at a rapid rate. Observation of the embryo at this stage indicates that the cannabinoid receptors are functional and active during this early stage of development.
“Endocannabinoids and their receptors are abundantly present from the early developmental stages, and are therefore likely to be important in the maturation of the nervous system and its functions.”

Earlier studies proved that two endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, are both present in the early stages of a human embryo. Anandamide has been proven to start out in low concentrations in the embryonic stage, gradually increasing throughout time until the eventual levels that we reach in maturity are attained.
Interestingly enough, it is exactly the opposite for 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, which starts at its highest concentration levels in the embryo and gradually decreases over time.

Endocannabinoid Production in Human Breast Milk
The discovery of endocannabinoid production in human breast milk is certainly another nail in the coffin for those who subscribe to the theory that marijuana belongs in the same category as other class-1 narcotics. The occurrence and role of cannabinoids in breast milk has been the subject of multiple studies, and it is the belief of researchers that cannabinoids play an integral role in how babies learn to latch onto their mother’s nipple for sustenance.
It is theorized that, since cannabinoid activity has already been proven to be linked with appetite stimulation in adults, cannabinoids in breast milk are what first stimulate a nursing baby’s appetite. Cannabinoids, combined with other nutrients in breast milk, also provide the newborn with protection from viruses, bacteria, and cancer causing factors. This means that cannabinoids are quite literally essential in the development of infants.
These types of findings make the continued prohibition of marijuana seem utterly ludicrous. Cannabinoids are an integral part of our development and well-being from the time we are in our mother’s wombs, throughout the entirety of our lives. Their presence in a mother’s breast milk jump starts the newborn’s appetite for the first time (this process can be seen in a different scenario when adults smoke marijuana and get the munchies). The health benefits that cannabinoids offer can be seen time and time again; whether it’s in the developing nervous system of an unborn child, the breast milk of a nursing mother, or even in a chemistry of a simple plant.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
When it comes to pandemics, the FDA doesn't want you to know about natural herbal remedies that work better than vaccines. So the agency has criminalized a key ingredient in an ancient Chinese Medicine formula that halts respiratory pandemics and saves lives... because most of the FDA is tied to "BIG PHARMA". money money money...

Pushing the pandemic: FDA criminalizes secret Chinese medicine formula that blocks bird flu
Pushing the pandemic: FDA criminalizes secret Chinese medicine formula that blocks bird flu

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