Rick Simpsons Help Oil Story


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Yep like heroin. It is coming back here and lots of young people are using it instead of Oxycontin and others that have really gone up in price. The heroin is cheap, like $20 a bag compared to $80 a pill for the others. Kids are overdosing on the heroin. Its a sad state of affairs when our kids don't want to face the realities of this world we have created. In our state if you send your kid under 18 to a treatment center they can just walk out whenever they feel like it so parents are sending their kids to other states back south where they can not leave w/o permission.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Lets just hope they never legalize pot.
There are too many people who would be hurt by it if it was legalized, two main groups are narcotics officers and drug dealers. Besides the financial harm it would inflict on those poor souls, think of the of the chaos that would occur if pot was legalized, people would be growing it right in their own vegetable gardens beside their tomatoes, beans and herbs.The prisons would no longer be filled beyond capacity, the courthouses would have extra seats, judges and lawyers would have extra time to deal with serious maters, and pharmaceutical company executives would have incomes only ten times that of average people instead of hundreds of times.
Who wants to live in an upside-down, topsy-turvy world like that?


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
just thought i would post a few testimonials...

***If it weren't for you JB and Rick Simpson, my uncle would not be here today. I'm sure of this.
He is currently on the oil and his rectal tumor has already shrunk by half it's size in just the two months of taking it. 8cm down to 4cm.
Ultimately God Yahweh gets all the credit, and I thank God that He allowed me to find Rick Simpson's Run From The Cure documentary.
You two are making a huge impact! Also for myself, this oil has helped my arthritis tremendously. I no longer have pain in my hand. It's like I don't have arthritis any more.
They say that there is no cure for acid reflux, but since being on the oil, I haven't had any issues with that.
I lost 40 lbs, including my uncle, and as long as I'm on the oil, I no longer have anxiety issues!
My uncle is 83 years old, and he said he's never felt this good in many years.
Thank you both, and may God's grace cover you. God bless!"

-- Thank you, Michael Garcia. They say there is no cure for many things, and they are simply not right about that, as we can see from your story once again. JB

*** Diagnosed Hep C -2006. Clinical Trial. 1 of 1000 worldwide. Albuferon + Ribavirin - July 2007- Dec 2007.

Within a week of starting this chemical cocktail, I was in severe pain and on morphine, started losing weight, rashes, etc. By end of trial, I had lost 47 pounds and was in severe pain 24-7. I was forced to retire at 47 and fought my company for disability for two years and Canadian Government for four years. I was informed last year that the clinical trial drug was discontinued due to deaths and side effects.
Last Summer 2012 .... June, started having seizures, unable to swallow, loss of balance as well. Long story short, I ended up in a wheelchair. At this point I was sent for all the scans, X-rays and tests as neurologist figured MS??? MRI unremarkable......

Family doc said perhaps I was having mini strokes. Both sent me home to live with it as they would do no further tests! I fired them both.

A friend then turned me onto to Mr. Rick Simpson in August of last year and I began to hunt for indica bud. Dec 29th was the day I made my 60 grams and also that night I had my last seizure as next morning started on the Heavy Oil Program.

I have never slept so well since my chemo, I was lucky to get 1- 2
hrs.... Now 7-8. Unreal in itself. I take no prescription medication and was on every opiate, sleeping pill and antidepressants, all with bad side effects. It has also managed my pain better than anything else.

I am now done and search for next strain for my lifetime maintenance dose. My diagnoses from the Western docs I fired is as follows ... Hep C, Fibromayalgia, Raynauds, IBS, CFS, depression, extreme anxiety, MS ???

I am prescription drug free, no seizures and managing my pain.......
Try that with pills!
Stay Strong - Fight On
Roy Fransen"

***"Keith was 79 years of age, he had cancer in both lungs, and his breathing capacity was down to 70%. When he was diagnosed, his lung cancer was so far advanced that they did not even offer him treatment, they simply told him that he had three months to live and sent him home to die. Since he had been smoking for decades, I told him, “I don’t care if you smoke or not during the treatment,” and I believe that is the only reason he agreed to take the oil.

Rick Dwyer was with me that day and you could see he was not in agreement. Later, when we were on the way home, he stated, “You can’t say things like that, Rick. You know smoking is bad for you.” My answer was, “Of course it is, but Keith has been smoking all his life and I think it would do little good to force him into quitting. Look, we are both in our fifties and have been smoking since we were children. If smoking was really that deadly, why are we still around? We both know chemicals are added to the tobacco we smoke to make it more addictive and harmful, but in this situation I think it will make little difference.” He just made a face at me and shook his head, but that was the end of our discussion on the subject.

Keith smoked two packs a day during his treatment and it had no detrimental effect on his recovery. Ninety days later, both lungs were clear and his breathing was back to 100%. He was now cured and completely free from the disease that doctors had said would bring about his death." Rick Simpson


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
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May 14, 2012
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Great testimonials! One thing not really covered is the fact many folks are now being diagnosed with crazy stuff, things not really in the text-books. I now have moved into an odd state...my immune system has declared war on my body. There is a long technical description for the situation but in the interest of brevity I'll just say that my spleen has decided that white blood cells are the enemy. They can remove the spleen but there are some ramifications that lead to some bad things and...crap. They have fifty like me in the Portland VA clinic and more down here.

The medical teams are fighting stuff they don't have answers for. We have (in my opinion) put so many friggin' chemicals in our environment we are reaping the rewards. They don't know what to do with things. Since October I have been going through tests to "rule things out" but they never isolate anything. THEY DON'T KNOW!

They finally gave me some steroids in an attempt to jump-start my immune system but it doesn't appear to be a permanent fix. Nothing is. I'm probably going to die of a cold that will progress into pneumonia. I'm taking supplements to make my blood clot but they suck.

The only way I make it through each day now is with the help of MM. I'm still active but slowing constantly. Without the pot I'm in an easy chair with the remote. I hate television.

When they go down a list of ailments, trying to find a fit, they don't prescribe med's until they isolate it. "Unless you want opiates I cannot help you" is a weekly speech I hear. I had a VA doctor say to me last Friday that he would suggest MM...off record. He was very happy when I told him I was already using it. He then said I was probably using the only effective med at this point.

On the Bill Mahrer show they mentioned the fact most members of Congress support it...off record. I believe the number was 85% .
Isn't it time we entered the 21st century?


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
you can literally find thousands of testimonials on the curative properties of cannabis. as medicine and as preventives. eaten, it is so nutritionally complete as a food source. we could virtually end our dependancy on fossil fuels. it makes an epoxy style resin stronger than fiberglass and some steels.. high quality paoper, high quality concrete, building supplies, everything to completely build super energy efficient homes minus the electric, and plumbing.
watch this video on the hemp built car....
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Well, I can at least say that was one of the few videos that was shorter than my attention span. :p

Didn't Cheech and Chong drive one of those in their second movie? If not they should have. ;)


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
BIG PHARMA HIDES ANOTHER CANCER TREATMENT / CURE... they spent years and millions in research and trying to synthesize the compounds in this fruit with no success. they cant patent it so they buried it!


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
That is so very true KOI guy and so happy that you are spreading this very informative information to others so that they may be helped.
My sister was very sick with an intestinal type problem that I believe was direct result of years of pharmaceutical medications for depression and anxiety disorder. Some of the medication that she was prescribed is now off the market as it was to dangerous and commonly resulted in this type of medical problem.

My sister has since become a vegan, and we don't agree on everything like most sisters. I was very worried about her, and after several failed operations, her doctor has now prescriped her medicinal marijuana, and I am very happy to report that she is finally getting better and is able to eat better. The family was very worried not to long ago as she was starving slowly to death, and her eyebrows and hair was falling out, and at one point she had no eyebrows because she was so very nutritionally deficient, as her body could not digest the food any longer. Doctors could not help her, but medical marijuana did!


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
thanks Colleen.... the masses take what the pharmacuetical companies say with an trust that just isnt deserved... all the people who were on 10, 20, or more meds are off them just by changing their diets. i have heard so many success stories on cannabis medicine(s). the evidence is piling up. i read an article that says the U.S government holds a patent on the very medicinal properties they claimed dont exist. the most part of our FDA is composed of pharma execs.
all i can say is if this is true, big pharma and anyone else who allowed people to suffer and die in the name of profit. (greed) will one day stand before our lord, as he sits in the judgement seat.
this is also of real interest to me... and another example of hiding natural meds
this is a copy and paste from the GOOD FOODS FOR GREAT HEALTH thread
this i am going to research....

"10000 times stronger killer of CANCER than Chemo"

SHARE THIS INFORMATION FIRST AND READ AFTERWARDS...can save many lives, fill up hopes and... build confidence in the patients...

The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.

Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.

So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time. The taste is not bad after all. It’s completely natural and definitely has no side effects. If you have the space, plant one in your garden.
The other parts of the tree are also useful.

The next time you have a fruit juice, ask for a sour sop.

How many people died in vain while this billion-dollar drug maker concealed the secret of the miraculous Graviola tree?

This tree is low and is called graviola ! in Brazi l, guanabana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name “soursop” in English. The fruit is very large and the subacid sweet white pulp is eaten out of hand or, more commonly, used to make fruit drinks, sherbets and such.

The principal interest in this plant is because of its strong anti-cancer effects. Although it is effective for a number of medical conditions, it is its anti tumor effect that is of most interest. This plant is a proven cancer remedy for cancers of all types.

Besides being a cancer remedy, graviola is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent for both bacterial and fungal infections, is effective against internal parasites and worms, lowers high blood pressure and is used for depression, stress and nervous disorders.

If there ever was a single example that makes it dramatically clear why the existence of Health Sciences Institute is so vital to Americans like you, it’s the incredible story behind the Graviola tree..

The truth is stunningly simple: Deep within the Amazon Rainforest grows a tree that could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival. The future has never looked more promising.

Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be possible to:
* Attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss
* Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections
* Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment
* Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America ‘s largest drug manufacturers, th! e fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970's! What those tests revealed was nothing short of mind numbing… Extracts from the tree were shown to:

* Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer..
* The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug!
* What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectivelyhunts
down and kills only cancer cells.. It does not harm healthy cells!

The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively researched–so why haven’t you heard anything about it? If Graviola extract is

One of America ‘s biggest billion-dollar drug makers began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.

Various parts of the Graviola tree–including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds–have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indi! ans in S outh America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis. Going on very little documented scientific evidence, the company poured money and resources into testing the tree’s anti-cancerous properties–and were shocked by the results. Graviola proved itself to be a cancer-killing dynamo.
But that’s where the Graviola story nearly ended.

The company had one huge problem with the Graviola tree–it’s completely natural, and so, under federal law, not patentable. There’s no way to make serious profits from it.

It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree’s most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect its profits–or even make back the millions it poured into research.

As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!

Luckily, however, there was one scientist from the Graviola research team whose conscience wouldn’t let him see such atrocity committed. Risking his career, he contacted a company that’s dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and blew the whistle.

Miracle unleashed
When researchers at the Health Sciences Institute were alerted to the news of Graviola,! they be gan tracking the research done on the cancer-killing tree. Evidence of the astounding effectiveness of Graviola–and its shocking cover-up–came in fast and furious….

….The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola’s “leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.” Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public…

….Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet no double-blind clinical trials–the typical benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment’s value–were ever initiated….

….A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea stated that one chemical in Graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at “10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin…”

….The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

…A study at Purdue University recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers Seven years of silence broken–it’s finally here!

****i have, since posting this in the good foods thread, done some research and so far i havent found anything that contradicts this write up.

Soursop Fruit Kills Cancer 100-Fold better Than Chemotherapy

Cancer killing fruit- soursop


Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Newly Discovered Herbs Revealed for Healing Cancer and Other Diseases

Graviola | Soursop | Fruit - A Natural Cancer Cell Killer

Cancer healing tree

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