A couple other questions
Was city tap water used to refill the pond, and was it treated before the fish were put in?
Were there any water tests done on the old pond water before the pond was drained?
The pond was filled entirely with tap water and it was conditioned with Prime for aquariums. I'm assuming he used enough. I never saw him do a test of the water though. I told him the current Ph and he said the City water would be OK for them even if it was higher. The Ph jump appears to have been about .6, twice what should happen in 24 hours. I still don't understand though why it wasn't higher considering the 8.8+ I'm getting when I measure the tap water now. He conditioned before the fish went in.
I was testing the water once a day prior to the relining and checked it the morning of. Levels were always good: Ph was at 7.2 and slowly inching up as I worked very gradually on building up Kh with baking soda. Ammonia was always 0 on the chart (but there had to be some ammonia because we were feeding). Nitrites 0. Nitrates ~50 (I was addressing that with 5% water changes weekly, plus new water due to leakage that was always conditioned first before being put in).