I think there are a few bullfrog tadpoles in there right now. So I suppose the frogs jumped in, too. I have seen pictures of bullfrogs jumping up to catch birds, so I'm sure they could jump to the top rail of that pool without any problems.
I've seen a green frog jump from the water surface to more than a foot back from the edge of the pond. Where he jumped, the water level was about a foot down from the pond edge. He wasn't standing on anything but floating in open water when he jumped out.
When you have seen a lot of them, green frogs and bullfrogs get to be easy to tell apart. The same goes for their tadpoles. Yes, at first glance, they look very similar, but it doesn't take long to spot them easily.
One major difference is that the green frogs are not shy and won't run away until the last minute. I almost stepped on a small one yesterday. He was sitting on a rock slab on the edge of the pond. I didn't see him until my foot was coming down over him. Then he decided to move.
Bullfrogs flee before I can get even a good look at them. Maybe they know they aren't welcome here. I know they are around more from their sounds than by sight, and we usually have to catch them at night.