Another question... I know what I want to build and ready to start the process but that leads to my next challenge . I want to start breaking down and removing my little preformed pond, waterfalll, all the rocks and dirt around my existing pond to start to build my larger more defined project.
Plants I'm not too concerend about but am worried about disturbing the eco system in my little pond and surrounding rocks. Last year I know I had a few frogs hibernating not sure what else could be chilling in those areas waiting for spring.
Here is what I'm thinking... lift and dig carefully around everything . Drain the water of my little preformed pond into 5 gallon buckets to a volume I can remove it ...move it to a secure area and add some of the water back. Try to keep it from freezing solid. Maybe place the preformed pond in the middle of some top soil bags to keep it some what insulated till we get spring. Thoughts on if I discover amphibians or reptiles under my slate rocks or other areas? Really not sure what to do with them? Suggestions? I want a plan in place before I tackle the breakdown of the Old Pond.
Many thanks in advance.