So looks like I'm going with a liner... most likely going to be around 500 to 600 gallons. 8ft by 5ft with a max depth of 30 inches with some shallower shelves and a little slope. Plan to keep my current bog filter and waterfall set up to fall into new pond build.
Here comes my question...was thinking a 500 gallon bio filter box attached to a 750 pump in the pond then having the pump push the water to my bog filter. Bog filter has several layers of bio medium and lava rock in the bottom. Now with filtering that water before it gets to the bog filter will I be setting my bog plants up with no nutrients? Is there a better filter set up to get the best use out of current bog set up. Maybe a smaller filter box in the pond? Maybe I'm overthinking
Pond will have my 4 (3 inch goldfish) and about 10 fathead rosey red minnows so not a lot of fish waste. Plan to have plenty of plants. 2 or 3 types in bog planter and then 4 or 5 in pond.
Many Thanks,
Here comes my question...was thinking a 500 gallon bio filter box attached to a 750 pump in the pond then having the pump push the water to my bog filter. Bog filter has several layers of bio medium and lava rock in the bottom. Now with filtering that water before it gets to the bog filter will I be setting my bog plants up with no nutrients? Is there a better filter set up to get the best use out of current bog set up. Maybe a smaller filter box in the pond? Maybe I'm overthinking
Pond will have my 4 (3 inch goldfish) and about 10 fathead rosey red minnows so not a lot of fish waste. Plan to have plenty of plants. 2 or 3 types in bog planter and then 4 or 5 in pond.
Many Thanks,