Thank you all for the lovely comments, had to work extra hours at work cause new guy quit, work was too hard, and then the manager is away, and people on vacation. I get this weekend off and I am going downtown to sample all the chilli at the Annual Chilli cook off on Saturday, (with mom) and on Sunday me and the mother are going to the Garden show, as they are showing ten houses and we love to snoop and see what others have "growing on" ha ha ha.
The mosquitoes are not quite as bad anymore, the hot weather is killing them off slowly. I am getting used to the bites and what the heck, they just need a little blood donation, and I already had West Nile about five years ago, that lasted about a week or so for me. West Nile made me really tired back then for about a week or so, and then it blurred my vision, made me dizzy, and made my brain feel like it was shaking every time I took a step... it can cause swelling on the brain, but I was not really sick other than that, and now I think I am ammune to west Nile. But I don't recommend getting bitten by mosquitos, as some people who got bit got quite sick that I know. What I would like to know is how the west Nile mosquito made the trip all the way up north from the West Nile! Ha ha ha!
Fishy love, my big koi run when they see me coming, and there mouths open wide for the doggy food. I started feeding them frozen peas too, as I hear that is good for them and they really love frozen peas!
Day off today, and I must run, have to meet lovely sister downtown at coffee Roastery for coffee,

will chat later....