I saw my other sister today, not the one that has been walking around claiming to be pregnant, but the other vegan sister. She comes into work and shops but never says Hi to me anymore, just cause I still choose to eat meat. I see her son all the time, cause he always comes to visit his favorite auntie, but she just hates me and has not been by to see me since spring!
Then she was all mad cause I said that there "is no baby" as it would have been born by now.... two months later and now she too says that the other sister should go see doctor. They kinda both think alike since they both turned vegan, and they are both hateful towards me. They called me "fat" just cause I cannot fit into the jeans I did in high school, but who can? That was a long time ago and I do not consider myself "fat", and I work very very hard, but I am not "pin thin" either. Well they both have been pushy and mean and both are older than me, I am the youngest.
I am not sure what will happen to my other sister that is supposed to have had baby. I should send her a text cause I am worried, but when I sent a text to her one daughter telling her that I was worried, she was mad and told me to tell her myself. I probably should, but not sure when, I have to think about it. I want to tell her that I can go to doctor with her, and maybe that will help?
So if "post" about them here, it is just to relieve stress. I am sure others out there have crazies in their family too, but somehow it helps to talk about it.