No. Split it at the top before the spillway - one line to the main stream, a second one to the side stream.
We have a similar set up in our pond and it works great. We have one main line that runs from pump to bog, but splits before it drops down into the bottom of the bog. The secondary line goes to a small side waterfall. We have one valve on the big line so we can slow the flow to the bog, which sends more water to the small waterfall. We have a second valve on the line to the small waterfall so we can adjust that flow as well. We tinkered a lot in the beginning but rarely mess with either now, but I still am glad we have the option to make adjustments. We are able to shut down the bog completely so we don't get back flow when the pump is turned off for example. Or I can turn off the water to the small waterfall (which has a biofalls on it) so I can clean the filters and still keep the pond running.
Options are always good!