I love deer meat, but not buck deer meat. I know how to completely butcher one, too. Have never skinned one, but have watched, and am confident I could do that as well. My son got me a nice doe 3 years ago, but not one since, darn it! I have my "order" in with him, but he tends to shoot one doe and his dad keeps that one, because he's hunting on his dad's property, but then I get the next one, and he never gets that next one last couple of years. Maybe this year. I think it's better than beef, myself, and anyone that says they hate deer meat has probably never had GOOD deer meat. In other words, they have probably had buck meat, which is gross. I don't even put it in my freezer for the dogs! Oh, well, yeah I could, but why when I can buy a huge bag of beef bone for them for $1. Why keep freezer running for meat they should not have so much of. Anyhow, I've put my request to the neighbors again, if they have an extra deer and also a a friend from the car dealership where I used to work. He may just come up with a doe for me, actually! I have a place to hang it locked up so no critters can get to it, too.
Mitch, I suspect other predators would come and steal your kill if you hung it in your woods! That cougar would be very thankful for a fresh deer or moose kill for him to just stroll over and have a feast on! How do you keep that from happening? And, I'm with you. I enjoy eating deer, but don't think I would ever be able to shoot one. I would love to sit in the woods and say I was hunting, though, just to have the stories my son has of the wildlife he sees while hunting. :blueflower: