Yep, I truly believe everything happens for a reason, and your waterfall looks awesome now, Addy. I can sure see why you are happier with it.
Sad to hear about your mower, bet you were freaking out heading toward the poison ivy!!! I've had my gas lever pulled back by branches before, thought what the heck, who turned down the power? So, I understand what you mean, glad you were able to fix the problem, and not have to pay for someone to do it for you!
Supposed to get down to 40 tonight and then 39 tomorrow night, so pulled all plants up to house that are on the deck, brought a couple inside again. Have not put succulent planter back outside, looks like will be able to come Tues. Temps heading up to 80's next week, just got to get past this last cool spell ... at least I'm hoping it's the last!