Bought my crushed oyster shells and put about a pound in the pond. We'll see how it works. Is this a process I'll need to repeat every so often, or is this the gift that keeps on giving?
Also, another question. After I filled the pond a few weeks back, my daughter thought it would be fun to throw dirt balls into the water. I was able to pull out the clumps, but obviously some was left in the bottom and remains there. First, will this hurt anything other than the looks? I'm assuming not, considering plants have dirt in them. The second question here is how to rid this dirt that now finds a home on the sides and bottom of the pond? It's enough that it's visible -- but that doesn't bother me. What does bother me, however, is that when it rains hard, the water gets disturbed and the dirt clouds up the water significantly for a few days. Not cool. Any suggestions other than the one thing I don't want to do: drain and start over?