This morning I filled in the spaces between the rocks with pond foam and pebbles.
Then in the evening I started filling it with water.
I also got the waterfall/creek somewhat finished.
I need to do a little more work with the waterfall to get the type of falls I want, as well as to decrease oversplash so I don't lose too much water... But all in all everything seems to be working well. I had a mild panic attack when I first turned on the pump and it drained out all of the water from the tub it was in before it could be refilled from the bottom drain. However, after the water level was up higher and it was completely over the drain outlet pipe, the pump and bottom drain worked perfectly!
I just turned off the hose a couple of minutes ago since the pond is now full. I need to tweak the edge height and the liner around the edges in a few places, but it's pretty darn close to being where it should be. Then I need to finish rocking in the top edges of the pond. I'll need to run electrical conduit for the pumps and lighting, and then all I'll need to do is work on the landscaping and it'll be done!
Bad news is that my next set of big exams is coming up and I won't have much time to work on it. However, on the positive side, at least I can keep the pumps running and get a biological filter going in the mean time.
Me and my boys also got our garden in today too!
Usually we do all seeds, but this year we cheated a little and bought mostly seedlings since we got a bit of a late start to planting. The only seeds we planted were for our corn and green beans.