Oh hai...


You can call me Red
Jul 17, 2013
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Seattle area
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United States
I will add another thought which I had with my wife afterwards. I think it was a lot of serendipity that there was a heart specialist on call at that small hospital. What are the chances of that? If I hadn't shown up, this doctor would have spent all night doing his chart notes or something. I wonder how many times this doctor shows up and he goes home without anyone needing him.

Umm, I think I'm gonna keep you guys guessing!
Intrigue... Brilliant!
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I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Can you at least tell us which one is closest to the truth? I think I am cuz of that time you were on the news when that idiot driver was terrorizing the area.

They did say you were John Huff on there ya know


I know nothing.
Apr 17, 2012
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At my computer
Hardiness Zone
Update on today:
- Wow, I was real tired today. Even going up the stairs made me wheezy and tired. When I tried to nap, it was like I couldn't breath enough and had to force breathe. Not sure if that was me or the heat in the house today.
- I can already see that the change in diet is going to be real difficult. I mean, I just love a plateful of eggs, pancakes, sausage links and hash browns for breakfast and I'm not sure I can ever do that again. That is a real downer. Really, can I see myself having fruit and plain oatmeal for breakfast from now on?
- All the other stuff I love? Pizza, chicken fried steak, fried anything, cream cheese, ice cream, desserts, meatballs, beef anything, all that gone. I'm planning on seeing a dietitian to see what I'm allowed.
- The hand plan that addy1 suggested, 1/2 plate of veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 plate starch is hard too. I tried that today and could only gobble down the 1/4 plate of salmon, 80% of the 1/2 plate of brussel sprouts and 10% of starch. And none of that had any flavoring. Yup, I think me and the missus will have to rethink our meals in a big way.
- I actually felt better when I left the hospital. Again, not sure if it's the heat and lack of food that's making me so weak and tired...


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
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United States
You should call your doc and ask about how you feel. Make sure you are not reacting to the meds.

Honey went through feeling real bad for the first month, still hurting but recovering.
Also your mind goes through depression, why me, etc, from being healthy to being a sick person..............the docs warned me it would happen and it did to honey.

We also picked up a blood pressure monitor, he has a watch that watches his pulse at a push of a button, helps him check that he is doing ok.

We love eggs sausage bacon, for the most part of converted to turkey/chicken sausage / bacon etc. Every now and then we eat real bacon as a treat. We still have eggs for breakie, rotate with oatmeal with blueberries

We still have pizza, but ledos, with the very thin crust, as a treat, maybe once a month.

I don't like fried food and have not cooked fried since we have been together so that part was easy. His hardest conversion was sweets he was hooked on sweets, choc milk, juices, sweet tea. I have been cooking healthy since we have been together, now just added even healthier, low carbs, (control the sugars) now adding the healthier for the heart foods. Cutting way back on meats adding more fish, we are both learning to like fish, neither of us were fish eaters, we are now..................lol

Get the no salt spices, costco....again lol, has one that has great flavoring. We live on pepper, garlic, onions, you can add a lot of flavoring to veggies.

We still eat beef, try to stick to lean cuts, lean hamburger ..............


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Oh and we walk every day together, he walks slow compared to me, but then again my inner seam is around 34 if not longer, his is 30..............
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
I normally don't jump into threads like this because I'm far too abrasive and I know it. However, I've buried a lot of friends and relatives over the years , and know of many more who are stuck with debilitating health problems of their own making. I've seen enough to know it's a do or die decision that every person often has to come to terms with regarding the quality and length of their life.
I have been an rancorous anti smoker for years, and often get into discussions with people about the health effects that smoking will have, or is having, on their bodies, but even with something that is so obvious and so well documented, and frankly, so useless as smoking, there is a strong resistance to want to make the necessary change and quit smoking. I'm always amazed at how people talk them self's into why they can't make the change to quit smoking, and yet it is something that is totally useless and unnecessary for life.
When it comes to diet people are often even more resistant to make those life altering changes, especially when they've been doing something one way most their life and after all, we all need food. But the undeniable fact is, is that a poor diet has a way of catching up to. Thing is, we all have different genes and metabolisms, and some people are able to smoke well into their 80s, we all probably know, or have heard of, somebody like that. Unfortunately it's those rare cases that give hope to many smokers that with a little luck they can continue smoking and be one of those rare cases too. But much like winning a lottery, the laws of averages doesn't allow for everybody hoping to win, to win. Same goes for food, we all have different metabolisms, plus we all have different activity levels, and this is where exercise plays a big part of it.
If you don't smoke John, consider yourself a very lucky man, that's one less major thing you have to deal with on the road to good health. Diet and exercise may be the only two things you'll have to tweak to get on the right path. From the little I know about you, it doesn't sound like stress is too big a factor in your life, as most people who have debilitating stress issues going on in their lives don't have time to play with ponds aquariums and such.

I had to adjust my diet and exercise regime about 5 years ago, I didn't have a heart attack or stroke or anything, but I started getting seriously overweight and my cholesterol levels were through the roof. Hereditary issues plays a big part why I decided to make some changes. High cholesterol levels runs in my family. My father had cholesterol issues and artery blockage problems and eventually died from complications relating to that, my older brother (by 5 years) already had a massive stroke and is basically a vegetable, and my younger brother already had to have a couple stents put in his arteries to his legs because he wasn't able to walk more then a few feet.
It was about 5 years ago when I hit an all time high of 200 lbs and had my cholesterol levels checked that I decided to radically alter my diet and exercise regime. I ended up loosing a lot of weight, but more importantly I reduced my cholesterol levels well down into the acceptable (normal) range, and I vastly improved my physical stamina. I started riding my bicycle and I'm now able to not only compete with, but exceed the stamina level of my 17 and 19 year old sons riding up the mountain beside our place in a hill climb of about 3000 ft taking about an hour and a half.
Besides giving my son's a run for their money physically, I feel great because I'm 55 now, and in much better shape now then I was when I was 40. All because I decided to make some changes in my life. So don't focus on what you might be loosing (sausage and pancakes and syrup for breakfast everyday, etc...), but focus on what you'll be gaining in respects to quality of life.
It's too late for my older brother, but it's not too late for you. Although he is still alive I'm sure he'd gladly give up his pancakes and sausage and cake and ice cream for the ability to speak again and use the right side of his body.
We all eventually die sometime, but it's all about quality of life we have up until that time.
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I know nothing.
Apr 17, 2012
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At my computer
Hardiness Zone
I don't drink or smoke. Fatty foods is my poison! I'm actually not that overweight and my relatives are for the most part thin people. Stress however is quite a problem but I'm learning to deal with it.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Stress can be a tough one to avoid because sometimes it can be imposed on you by things out of your control. Fatty food though is a piece of cake, literally. ;)
I had to give up bread, even though I've always eaten whole grain bread, which in theory is good for you, it was what went on or in the bread that was causing me problems. I love toast with jam in the morning, and sandwiches with plenty of mayonnaise, and plenty of other things to do with bread or wheat that are not good for you cholesterol wise. So I gave up all wheat for a while, and that means pretty much all pasta, baked goods, pizza, etc...
For the most part I ate fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts during the day, and ate one proper meal a day at supper time, which was generally cooked green vegetables, maybe carrots too, salmon, and some squash or something similar. But not Potatoes. I always ate till I was full for that meal, and never went to bed hungry. I did that for about 6 months and lost over 40 lbs. But I was also doing a lot of exercises too, mainly hiking and riding. Did that from Dec til April, and then slowly started to eat some things again that I wouldn't eat then, like beef and whole grain bread, but I still avoid a lot of dairy products like milk, and butter, and avoid sugar products like the plague. Cakes, ice cream, cookies, pop, etc... are all killers. But the biggest factor I believe that helped me was taking extra fiber. I grind up flax seeds in a little coffee grinder and mix that with some psyllium husks in a glass of water two or three times a day and it gives me plenty of fiber and gives me a full feeling without any significant calories, plus fax seeds are high in omega 3s. I also take high doses of niacin and vitamin C.
My cholesterol level was so high my doctor wanted to put me on the Statin "Crestor", but I didn't want to go that route, so I did my own thing and did the diet, exercise, and natural cholesterol lowering vitamin niacin, and vitamin C which is an anti inflammatory which helps stop buildup in your arteries. I know it all worked because I have the blood lab tests to prove it. I keep a record of them and try to get new tests once year, but it has been over a year for me now since I had my cholesterol levels checked. My biggest improvement in my cholesterol levels was in my second test about 10 months after I started doing the diet exercise thing, the doctor was having problems believing the test results. He said most people never see a change that great in that short of time,,, without those statin drugs.
In subsequent tests my levels improved only slightly, but that's to be expected, since the goal is not to completely get rid of any trace of the bad cholesterol in your blood (you need it actually), but just to balance the levels. I won't talk about the levels, because you guys measure it differently down there then we do here in Canada, but I was in what is considered the "very high" level.That's why the doctor wanted to put me on Crestor right away. Now I'm well within the normal range, or at least I was the last few times I had it checked. But from a physical standpoint I have way more stamina. I've been able to measure that too by how far I could ride up the mountain, and how I felt at certain mile point markers. Or in my case, the kilometer point markers. I fly past the old markers I use to only be able to just make it to before when I first started, and it seems to just keep getting easier. If I keep it up by the time I'm 60 I won't even work up a sweat. ;)
Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
Good for you, Mucky. I'm about the same age as you and progressing along the same lines.
I work at a desk computer all day and am installing a treadmill desk this weekend.:)


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
I changed my eating and exercise years ago, total c was close to 400, now down to acceptable. Refused to take statins. Honey has been slowly converted to my way of life and eating since we married, now faster conversion with his medical scare. You find out you don't even really miss the foods.
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
BC Canada
Good for you, Mucky. I'm about the same age as you and progressing along the same lines.
I work at a desk computer all day and am installing a treadmill desk this weekend.:)
That's a great idea. I Googled treadmill desk and I see they also have Elliptical exerciser for desks too. Hmmm???
Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
I think that would be hard to use a keyboard with..?
I'm just converting an existing treadmill and desk I already have to see how I like it.
1 - 2 MPH is the suggested speed.
We'll see.


I know nothing.
Apr 17, 2012
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At my computer
Hardiness Zone
I think a bit better than yesterday. I think somewhat less wheezy. Heat is apparently not good for my condition. Yesterday couldn't nap because I couldn't breathe while supine. Today I was able to nap 3 times (and needed to).

Did a lot of work on the pond today, that is to say my son did a lot of work while I directed. We cleaned the prefilters and added more bioballs to the shower and moving bed reactor. We plan to add a frame over the pond and tune up the sand/pebble filter next.

Talked to the nurse who said I should be aware that I will feel some psychological aftermath/fallout from this but I told her I had a good support group in my pond's group! Yes, you guys have been great!

I also do feel acceptance. It's like your car. All this time it's been pristine, then you get your first big ding on the door or something and you know it will never be the same again. Except in this case, I blew out one of the cylinders and forever more will be running on one less!

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