Wow - so many options! I really hope I can find some water hyacinths! Those sound amazing! The deepest part of the pond is about 3 feet, so maybe I'll get a few more lilies for those spots.
I love your little bridge, Sissy - I wish I had a spot narrow enough for one! And what kind of turtles do you have, TurtleMommy? I have kept turtles for ~15 years! They have all been maps (Mississippi, Common, False). I feel like I can't put any in my pond though since it's barely 3' deep (so they probably couldn't over-winter here in Ohio). Pplus I have a giant freaking egret that loves to land in my pond and look around! He's never really been able to catch any of my fish, but they're small enough to slip in between the rocks super fast. I'm thinking captive maps probably wouldn't be able to hide quick enough.
Hopefully off to a local pond/aquarium place tomorrow! I'll let you all know what I get!