This is a question for fishin. I notice your comment about pond size in relationship to koi. I have a 5000 gal pond, I would like to know how many koi, Goldie's, and shubies I can safely have in it? It has a 3900 flow master pump to the waterfall, I believe. I have some pictures on the introduction thread and would like some opinions as to some of the questions I have. I have basically cleaning and and trying to take better care of the by pond more recently. I built the smaller pond, copied from the larger pond design, when my Mom got to sick to sit on the porch and enjoy the bigger one. She would sit by the sliding doors and watch the little one then.. Since her death several years ago I have not really done much with them until now. Just did not have the heart for them. However, I am now trying to get them back in shape. The fish were very forgiving as they pretty much took care of themselves.. I have thinned the rushes, and the plants in the pond , had to basically sit and pull up by the roots, lol. I understand not many have rocks on the bottom of theirs o. Here, but since the fish have done well with them, I hesitate to change now. Any information or ideas are appreciated.