New pond liner and filter advice please?

Jun 22, 2011
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United States
Alright, thank you guys.
I'm converting a ~22000gal pool to a pond and my bog should be about 20' x 12', so I think I'll go for the snorkel method.
Planning to have the bog 12" at the shallowest, sloping down to maybe 2 feet in the middle where the snorkel will be.

Sorry, what do you mean by "4" drain tile pipe"? I'm unfamiliar with the term.
This is the same kind of perforated pipe they use under the gravel in french drains, right?
yes; in the 'old days', they used drain tile, actual crocks of ceramic, so I tend to go with what I was taught. Now, they use the perforated (in this case, the unperforated variety, to which you would make 1/3 the way through, cuts about every 6" or so) poly pipe, Long ago when I built a French drain with my dad, we didn't even use any crocks, just the pea stone as the water would end up in the drain anyhow.

I was given that suggested material to use for my bog by a pond professional and it works just fine. Sure a lot less expensive than the aquablox; you just need a layer (or two) of 8" round rock. Then you'd graduate up with 2" followed by 3/8" pea gravel. This is probably the precursor to the aquablox system. There's less 'settling area' with the stone but you still get the functionality. I was instructed to dig a trench in the bottom of my bog, put in my liner, then lay in the 4" pipe with the slits, attach it to a cleanout stack, then cover with the layers of rock. The whole bog would be 'V' shaped walls and the bottom would angle to a low point, where the pipe meets the cleanout stack.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
I might be wrong about this, but I believe the snorkel/centipede method is needed for larger ponds, ie: thousands of gallons, and the simpler one is for smaller ponds.
Mine is filtering about 10000 ish gallons when you add all the ponds. Pure guess work never used a meter to measure the water it needed to fill. Very basic, pea gravel and plants. A ton of goldfish, probably around 200. The water stays perfect.

I built mine before people started talking snorkels etc. Read a lot of threads about monster pond builds 11 plus years ago. Followed their advice.

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