He will do curves every chance he can get. He was doing curves before it was "fashionable" here. He hates straight lines, and we have had to learn to compromise LOL. One of my biggest hobbies (a profitable one at times) is drawing blueprints... Even now, I can be driving down the road, catch something on a house, and will have to pull over to make a quick sketch on a napkin, receipt, whatever I can find in the truck... I'll come home, and draw a full set of plans that will use that feature... he would look at my plans, and then for his own reasons, plan out landscapes... I used to yell at him that his BUSY lines were taking away from what I wanted to highlight on the house LOL. Yet when I can see it in real life, 99% of the time, I would admit he was RIGHT! I have to laugh at myself as I can read a topo map, SEE the elevations on a flat piece of paper.. can draw houses on a whim, yet can not see a landscape design on paper... I have to be able to touch/feel those...
Unfortunately, not with these camps... too much personal history involved.Hubby's family owned the first camp lost. The family camp beat Mother Nature for 61 years, but she got the last laugh. Our family still offically owns this land, and IF it resurfaces within 20 yrs of the loss, we can reclaim it... Not going to happen, it is all under water now. You could say we held a funeral on 2/7/08...While at this point, the National Sea Shore couldnt make us tear the camp down, it was made clear that we would be held accountable for any debri entering the ocean. The April storm claimed the land... several family members met on site, to witness the demo. We could not do this job. It was hard enough moving the other camps afterwards, but to tear this one down was too much. We had already felt the loss and knew how important it was for the families involved to try. The owner of the furthest camp allowed all the remaining camps to be moved to his land, but it only bought another year afterwards... It really was an end of an era, a way of life about what Cape Cod is about that most dont see...