Thanks for all the welcomes, just realized I hadnt said thank you yet:-( So much for multi tasking LOL.
As to the outside babies... will try to get some pics a bit later... I think I counted 18 that we caught and put into a fish tank. Only 4 of them were the ugly brown ones (probably another 10 or so outside yet to catch are the same)... I'm thinking these ugly brown things are just comets. The other 14 however, I *THINK* are koi. Much more streamlined. The bright yellow guy looks like he (or she) has little bumps started where the barbels would be, but I'm half blind, so time will tell LOL. All I know for sure is from the side, they are ALL pretty ugly LOL.
Also, while hunting for the inch long babies outside, we caught four more newly hatched sized fish. Just threw them into the kiddie pool with the hatchlings from the basement pond (same size range). Figured if they were dumb enough to be caught with a 4" fish tank net, might as well grab them now! With so much rock around the pond, there are lots of places for babies to hide/survive, and when possible, would like to keep as much control of the stock level as possible LOL.