Thanks brokensword. I will try it hand in hand with the bushwhacker. I might not be patient enough to wait for years though.
I also like the idea of drowning the cattails by covering it with a liner/tarp and putting some weights on top of it. My other problem now is not to disturb the wildlife around so I might do it in phases.
Cant speak for cattails, but putting a weighted tarp over the phragmite will do nothing to it other than kill what is already growing but not the rhizomes, the rhizomes will put runners out to get out from under the tarp Or punch a hole through the tarp. Phragmite grows incredibly quick, and are very tough ( I’ve seen a runner go over a road and start to root on the other side while getting run over by vehicles). Here in Maryland the state will let you burn it, spray it, or dig it out, either Avenue requires permits at least for a contractor to do the work. The only place I deal with them is in tidal wetland areas, and as far as the state govt is concerned as long as you are replacing them with native species of plants they should be all for removing them, be it in wetlands area or not.
You could also speak to a landscaper in the area, find one that is licensed to remove invasive plant species, they will know when and what to spray the phragmite with. Once you get a head of it it just will require you to stay on top of it for awhile to wipe it out completely or it will get out of control again in short order.